we are spiral knights, correct? that being said, there is some kind of spiral organization, or at most a spiral race. we crash landed on a planet that supposedly takes in forms of life from other planets and integrates them into itself. so, it took in the spiral dna and made us a part of it. this could mean it can recreate our dna and make more of our kind to fend us off. this means an anti-spiral race. if there is an anti-spiral race, then it will be our job to take them out, making sue all other life forms can go on about their days. but what if we loose and only a few are left? we'll have to go to individual planets, forcing the inhabitants underground, making sure their population does not exceed a certain limit. but what if one of them breaks free and starts to take over the original spiral knight, tired of being underground and wanting escape? what if that creature wins? the population will explode past that limit and the anti-spiral will come down on them, but the creatures dont give up, they fight back against the anti-spirals, taking up spiral gear and starting the fight to end all fights.
idk, sounds probable =P
crash landing is a lie
and we are all constructs of gremlins
fed with false memories,
all for entertainment....
*gasp* the blast network!!