[Auction] Fang Of Vog Uv Med Undead Dmg ( 48 hours )!!!

Auction August 8 - August 10th 12:30 pm (Central)
Fang Of Vog Med Undead Dmg
Start up Bid 6k
B/O - none
Post your bid here or message my In-game
IGN : Darktuga
big remove, bought other fovs
i still <3 you
hinigashi is winning now , but theres still time left :o
Ign: hinigashi
Comment to ketties
you cant have 0.5 CE lol
and my name isn't kettles o_O
yer mean :(
Zomg I hate iPad spell check! Still love you widdle kittehs <3

Even though hinigashi only add .5k ce i would count it... But i didnt say how much u bid :/
Anyways Sry that i didnt say that earlier.. Kit still win
hinigashi is winning, i bought another one
but i might be back, we'll see
A bid is a bid, I am merly adding 500 ce at a time where some do it every 100, you have not even said on your auction what increments is aloud, so for that I will withdraw my bids and ether give it to kittehs first bid or sideswipe.
Bleh iPad lag made me spam 2 posts sorry!
how about the bid is still at 6500 from before I bid B)
quick edit posts, hide the evidence!
6k ce
Ign: hinigashi