Spanish Inquisition - Active with Website (Recruiting!)

24 replies [Last post]
Legacy Username

Because nobody expects it!

Basically, this is a guild for people who want to play with friends and generally have a good time. We'll do runs together, we'll help each other out when needed. Sometimes we'll incorporate voice chat and just relax and do our own thing. This is the perfect guild for somebody looking for a little more than the average casual guild, but not ready for a "hardcore player" guild!

The guild website is now ready! You can find it at

We do have a few relatively minor requirements:
- Relatively active (preferably online at least once a week, but this isn't too strict)
- Minimal chat speak
- Follow in-game rules

For anybody interested in joining, you can either send me a message in game when it comes back up, or post here. My IGN is Scarlette. You can also use the new guild website to join as well!

Hope to see you all in game soon!

Legacy Username
First guild event is coming

First guild event is coming up this week! On Friday, April 8th at 7 PM PST (server time) there will be a drawing of all guild members for 100 Crystal Energy!

Even though CE is relatively cheap right now, nothing beats getting it for free :D

On another note, the website is almost ready for launch! It includes an event calendar, guild news updates, and a personal guild forum.

Senshi's picture
... and fear us!

Surprise is our chief weapon. And fear. Surprise and fear!
At least we are feared by Jellies, and one day soon, we will be feared by the Jelly King too!
We have... questions for him!


Legacy Username
Website is up and

Website is up and running!

As I mentioned before, the website contains an event calendar, forums, and more! Come check it out!

Legacy Username
Just a reminder, the first

Just a reminder, the first Crystal Energy draw will be held this Friday evening! Just two more days! All guild members are eligible, and we are always recruiting. Just send me a message in game (Scarlette), post a message here, or head on over to our guild website.

Legacy Username
I want to join, I applied at

I want to join, I applied at the site. My IGN is Gost.

Legacy Username
Welcome to the guild :)

Welcome to the guild :)

Legacy Username

I applied at the guild website :3

Seems like a nice kind of guild to be in, I thought.

Wanna get me in some of that, I thought. <:

my IGN is Dweazil XD

Legacy Username
Welcome to the guild,

Welcome to the guild, Dweazil!

Notbob's picture

I submitted an application (IGN is Notbob), as did my wife (IGN is Poirot). We come as a matched set. :)

Legacy Username
Welcome to the guild, Notbob

Welcome to the guild, Notbob and Poirot! You will receive your invites the next time I am able to log in to the game :)

Legacy Username
I Would Like TO JOin

I Applied At The Site My IGN is Screwdunk

Notbob's picture

Thanks Scarlet, we got the e-mail confirmation, and look forward to meeting and whacking monsters with everyone. :)

Legacy Username

I Accidently Applied And Got My Email Address Wrong So I Replied With A Different One. Sorry If This Caused Any Trouble.

Legacy Username
I fixed the application,

I fixed the application, Arma. Hopefully the site works fine for you now :)

Tipiak's picture
Hi, I just love the name of


I just love the name of your guild... :-)

I'm still in the very early stages of the game (and being in between two ISPs and thus without home-connexion doesn't really help) but though I'd start looking around for a casual guild.

I have a big problem though, I'm Europe-based, which seems quite uncommon (except among Spanish players, and I must admit I don't speak a word of Spanish...). In order to avoid applying to a guild where I'd never "meet" anybody, are there CET [Central European Time = UTC + 1h] (or not too far) players in the Spanish Inquisition?

Legacy Username

I don't know that any of our players our European, but we have people on 'all day' which is Europe's evening. And since my days off are not usually on weekends, I may randomly show up on your 'evening' as well. Granted, there are -more- people on in the US evenings, but not -only- then.

(And when you take your name from British comedy... perhaps there might be a few Brits snuck in amongst us ... spies, everywhere!)

Tipiak's picture
Great, I guess I'll apply

Great, I guess I'll apply then*, if accepted I'll then try to unmask those Brit spies (hey, I'm French, nobody can argue that we're the best Brit spy hunters of all times !!!).

Thanks for the answer :)

* via the website
Tipiak, suddenly wondering if "Britney Spears" is not a cleverly disguised anagram revealing the message "Brit spyes near"...

Legacy Username
Thank you, Senshi :) Sorry

Thank you, Senshi :)

Sorry about not responding right away, Tipiak! The forums were giving me some trouble with posting. But, I've accepted your application and sent you an invite in game. Welcome aboard!

Tipiak's picture
Thx, I'll only accept the

Thx, I'll only accept the in-game invite in a few days (I still don't have any internet connexion except my phone :P)

Legacy Username
I applied

I love Monty Python, so when I saw the name, I had to apply. IGN is Kudri.

Legacy Username
Welcome to the guild, Kudri!

Welcome to the guild, Kudri!


My ign is Sevinoss, usually on around 4 Central until energy runs out, and I'm really new to the game (as in just started playing yesterday but have everything up to at least 7). Okay if I apply?

This is a little late but

This is a little late but feel free to apply to our tight knit group.

Legacy Username

I can see the dreaded comfy chair from here! Ho, YES the comfy chair! I love the flying circus, and I still have my copy of MP at the Hollywood Bowl...In any case I would love to join this motley assortment, my IGN is Tieria, or Kadomos depending on how much work I'm wanting to put in...I play daily, and enjoy it. I hate nOObs, but newbs are okay, ya know?