I'm just wondering where everyone else is right now. It took me around 40 minutes to do all the NPC clicking and gates in the tutorial, but I managed to get through and am now in Haven looking for some useful Recipes. It's annoying when you have Equipment Heated far beyond the next Tier Recipe requirements, isn't it? On that note, if anyone finds any Magic through Divine Recipes, let me know! I still have yet to find Magic/Elemental, even though I've hit at least 4 Terminals now. :/
So, where are you at right now? I suppose that's a question only for those who aren't too busy grinding through to check the forums, haha.
(I'm surprised nobody else has made this sort of topic yet.)
Why is it annoying? Overleveling your equipment doesn't do anything to make the recipe not work.
That said, I think I saw you in the background during one of my T1 runs. I think it's kind of neat that some of the separate parties are in the same instance now, even though they can't interact. Lends a big level of immersion to the game that was lacking before. I've got a Calibur already, working on the tempered version. Shame how much everything's been nerfed, why'd they do that? And why are damage numbers turned off by DEFAULT? I was confused.
Right now I'm just chillin' in my guild hall, looking through the decoration options. Maybe I'll paint it all green...