Need help for changed inappropriate name.
My in game name "[Heavens-to-Betsy]" was changed by the game master with "Mothelubber" without giving me any Notification. He only said that I should not be using inappropriate names.
Be that as it may that I have used an inappropriate name, still I have the rights to change it on my own. He should have notified me first and should've given me the chance to change my own name, because It's My Own character. I worked hard for it and it's not right that he would change it just like that.
To whom it may concern, Game Masters;
Please allow me to change my character name the way I want it. I promise not to use an inappropriate name again. Please don't change it just like that. It's like you've wasted something I worked hard for.
Your way of changing it was inappropriate too.
Please consider my concern.
Thank you.
When i created my character's name there was no notification or warning that they reserve the right to change my in game name. If it was stated that they have the right to change one's character name they should have not allowed it in the first place.

Is the user argeement, when you check the box you argree to everything in it, all im saying is that it might be in the terms of use therefore nothing can be done.Otherwise you might be able to get a GM to change it by sending a support request in game but if it says that in the TOU they dont have to do anything.
@doble, its pretty obvious you didn't read the terms of service thingy and just clicked 'accept'... OR... you did but didn't care~ and if you don't like it you can always 'uninstall'...

d0gr0ck that helped alot thanks :)! And yeah what llama said, they dont have to do anything about it you didnt obide the rules and have to pay the consequence sorry!

This wasn't an accident. You knew beforehand you were doing something wrong because you changed the spelling to bypass the language filter. The language filter is there for a reason. It is standard practice in any MMO to change offensive names without player approval. That is the risk you run with violating the ToS.

Really, you should know what is appropriate and what isn't. Unless your 3 years old, which in that case you shouldn't be playing anyways. Please read ToS, but I am not surprised, most people have never heard of it and they don't even know what constitutes as spam.

Wow. At least ask nicely if you can have them change it.....

You tried to get in trouble and succeeded. What are you complaining about, again?
You're lucky they didn't just ban your account entirely.
You can change your name if you want, though. Delete your character and make a new one, with whatever name you like. Well, among names that won't basically demand that Three Rings change them again.
How did you live with your name being "[Heavens-to-Betsy]" in the first place? If I were you, I would've quit the game because I'd be so tired of people telling me that I'm not educated. Whatever, it's your fault, you should have realized that gamemasters were definitely not going to accept this. Mothelubber is like 10x better than your first alias anyway.

Rofl I read it as "MothLuber". Immaturity ftw.

You knew the name was inappropriate when you made it. With "[Heavens-to-Betsy]" there is no way you didn't know. You actually DON'T have the right to change it on your own, your right to naming your knight ends when it is deemed that the name is not appropriate... hence they say "Three Rings will arbitrarily change any names it considers unsuitable, or ban the accounts associated." in the TOS. Arbitrarily pretty much means "into whatever the heck we want". You have the right to ask to have it changed to something else, that does not mean the GMs will consent.
Consider yourself lucky that the GMs just change the name of inappropriately named characters (normally) and don't delete them or the account outright. In a lot of games you'll just sign on to find your character gone.

I would make your motherfudger,or mammas-boy

Just a few comments, here.
1. If you, after having affirmed through the account creation process that you agree to abide by the Spiral Knights Terms of Service, then go and name your character something that so flagrantly violates that same ToS, a GM will change it for you to something that does fall within the Terms of Service.
2. You may submit a polite request to the GMs (via in-game channels, or if those are unavailable to you, then via email to for a name change to something you feel would suit you better than Motherlubber, but which still adheres to the ToS. No guarantees on whether this request will be granted; they are evaluated on a case by case basis.
3. The forums aren't the place to post support requests. Please see the Spiral Knights forum guidelines, which are posted at the top of each of our forum sections.
It probably syas something along the lines of if you choose to use an inappropriate name that they reserve the right to change your in game name without any notifications.