A friend of mine (uses steam so cant post here) is having a problem where everytime he charges his silent nightblade it only has 1 explosion, whereas others get 2, or even 3. I know that its up to chance, but he has NEVER gotten more then 1, and he uses it all the time, owned for about a week now. (Its not a nightblade, it really is a silent nightblade)
Silent Nightblade is stuck on 1 explosion per charge attack
Isn't it that the Silent Nightblade only can produce one explosion, and the Acheron is when it's able to produce multiple explosions?
The Silent Nightblade has a 100% chance to create one explosion on charge and about a 10% chance to create a second explosion directly after that.
The Acheron is the same way except it creates two explosions and around a 10% chance for the third.
^This I am sure of unless they changed it within the last two weeks, which I wouldn't see any reason for.
In any case, you really should test these things before posting on the forums so we can have some clear numbers to go off of. If your friend really thinks that he owns a faulty nightblade then go into the advanced training hall and do 100 charge attacks, and see how many double explosions you get. Yes I know it's a lot, but if you get 0 then you should post it in the bug section, unless of course it was changed recently.
My guess is that he's extremely unlucky and/or hasn't payed attention to the second explosion as it does overlap with the first and is easy to miss.
Oh and also I use steam as well.
Your friend can post on the forums he just has to make a forum account that may or may not be the same as his IGN.
My Acheron can make anywhere from zero to three explosions. It's definitely not a 100% chance.
Of course, the explosions don't happen if you're pressed against a surface like a wall or corner or something. If you're on most type of open ground, you should be able to get at least one explosion (at least two with Acheron if I'm not mistaken).
whereas others get 2, or even 3.
Wrong, Silent Nightblade can only do up to 2 explosions, never three. I think he mistook Acheron as Silent Nightblade since they are quite similar.
The Silent Nightblade has a 100% chance to create one explosion on charge and about a 10% chance to create a second explosion directly after that.
No, Silent Nightblade can do no explosion sometimes although it is really rare. The chance of the second explosion is definitely greater than 10% (50% is what my other friends got because mine also has this problem).
As I said, I have the same problem and I am definitely not facing a wall, the explosion either happens where it should be or where the second explosion should be. I made the second explosion happen on several occasions, once in RJP and once in ATH, although the chance is 1/100.
Thats true on the "even 3" comment, that one was my fault. He does have a silent nightblade, and he should be able to do 2 tho. Three times ive stood with him just charging for about 10 minutes, not 1 double explosion, but we'll go for more conclusive evidence.
This should be in the bug reports section, not that there isn't already a million of these threads...
My Acheron will, without fail, 100% of the time, make three explosions. I am the only person I know of that it works correctly for. My question is: is it really making 1, 2, or 3 explosions or are we only seeing fewer than three, while it is still giving the damage?
That's an interesting thing Dirt. Have you tested if the consistent 3rd explosion does damage as well? As in, ATH testing with a breakable block the proper distance away where the 3rd explosion should destroy it, or anything like that.
My silent nightblade has only done 1 explosions only,its pathetic,L10 silent night blade that should be able to do far more knockback with explosions is now reduced to a nightblade with enhanced damage.Without the explosions,less damage is done.
I saw, for the first time today, a second explosion on my Silent Nightblade.
I was taken aback. It'd never happened before; and I spent (a wee bit) of time testing it in various locations. (Sometimes whilst waiting for one more ME, or a floor change) then, today, as it hits level 9 before becoming an Archeron, after slaying a Lichen Colony... ZARP. An extra explosion. Pretty stoked.
It just wanted to prove itself before I upgraded it, I suppose.
I routinely get three explosions on both my Glacius and Acheron. I've heard it might be related to lag, how is your connection?
Please check post dates people!!! There are nearly 4 months between volebamus' and newbyboy's posts.
i do have the same problem.... it only explodes once, either the near explosion or far explosion...
i havent upgraded it to acheron yet so i dont really know....