Wiki says the cost to the seller is 10% of the sale price, but it tops out at 5,000 crowns, correct? This information should be listed on the site.
Auction House Fees

So if the price is higher than 50k crowns, there is no additional fee? Interesting. Can someone confirm this (any add to the wiki if true)?
Sold a gun for 250k yesterday, AH gave me 232k (7k were probably the refunded listing fee)

I haven't quite figured out if certain amounts levels get charged a fixed price or what, but it has been less than 10% for sure.

I sold an item for 389,990. The finals sale price fee was indeed 10% (38,999), but they refunded my listing fee (33,999) so that the final cost to me for selling the item was 5,000 crowns. (The final cost of an item that sold for 219,990 was also 5,000 crowns.) Another example - an item sold for 29,990, selling fee 2,999, refunded listing fee 2,799, total cost to me - 200 crowns. So the Wiki information is accurate (albeit, perhaps slightly misleading).

Again, guyjin, you're spreading false information here too.
The final cost is 10%, in your situation it is 38,999. Your refunded listing fee is just that: refunded. You actually had to pay that when listing the item in the first place.

Yes, I see my mistake now. Apologies!
I'm pretty sure. Can't remember cuz I AHd 1k light shards... Think big think...