Hey all, my in-game name is Littlerocketman. the lastest PVP games I have been in, have been unfair :( the first time, it was 2 vs me... alone, i thought "not cool. o well i bet it's just a small glitch" and of course i loss that one lol. but the most recent game i played was 3 vs me... alone... again :( this one seriously didn't end well for me :/
I just want to know if this happens to anyone else, and what they think should happen to fix this.
Odds are it started out with more and your teammates left. I don't do random team (for the same reason I don't do pugs... unless I want a lot of heat of course) so I honestly can't give you a better answer. There hasn't been a massive outcry of people shouting how they're getting super uneven teams though. And you know there would be with all the griefing that's been going on about pvp.