As the title says, what are (with) Gremlin Menders' resistances and weaknesses? Unlike other Gremlins, hitting them with a nightblade does not create stars and brown damage numbers, and for some reason, hitting them with a dark thorn blade creates grey numbers.
Gremlin Menders' resistances and weaknesses
Is that so?
Weird, my virulent catalyst produces stars and brown numbers.
I think....

My virulent catalyst produces stars and brown numbers too but my acheron doesn't. same thing happens with minijellys.
Minijellies are actually weak against elemental for some reason.
Whenever I hit them with my ash of agni /shivermist directly, it produces brown numbers.
And also makes more damage then my blast bomb.

I think that is supposed hint at the secret strategy for the royal jelly, involving it's slight elemental weakness. I've noticed that when I'm only in a party of 3 or less, my prisma drive makes the royal shoot stars. My assumption is that the intended way to beat the jelly is to make it hit the blast blocks;(they deal normal and elemental) the catch being that if you flee with a ghost block, you lose the blast block, and the jelly heals. Or, you could just stock vials...
It's actually a result of their having lower than average normal defense and the effect flashes keying of that as a base. They're still taking the appropriate amount of damage, it's just not being communicated properly. We'll have a fix in soon.