Was making a Basil run in T3 and got the Jelly Farm II of the Aurora Isles. Never been to this part of the Aurora Isles so I didn't know what to expect.
A little ways in, I saw a box with an energy mark on it, and having never seen it before, decided to pay and see what it was.
Is this new, or just rare?
And does anyone know if it actually does damage, or does it just have that heavy knockback?
Energy Turret

its an mecha turret, its only avaible in jelly farms 2, they do damage and knockback, but like its movable brethren, i advise NEVER USE EM' unless your in dire need of help and your teamates are down.

yeah I only rev mecha knights when I am good on energy and need some help.But I think the mecha capsules are better but they are rare.

they do some good damage and the enemies will not attack it so you can kite and let it do all the work. Though jelly farm isn't really difficult they would be much more useful in arenas or danger rooms.
I tried paying for one too, and enemies will attack it if aggro'd enough.
Here is another link for those who can't use the direct link:
Anyway, it seemed much more useful than a Mecha Knight, to be honesty. As aforementioned, the level isn't really that hard, but it would probably be really useful in arenas or danger rooms.
Maybe make capsule forms of them so they can be found (rare as a mecha knight pill) and when used, take a couple seconds to deploy?

I always thought it would be cool if, after activating it, you could pick it up and move it around.
At least that would justify the energy cost.

Can you make it tiny pic?other link seems to fail.take your time while trying to make it tiny pic.
Edit: sorry the first link works now
Royally because of my router.That looks cool.I want to see one.They should add this to tier two though.those dang alpha wolves are annoying.

If they could be moved they might be of use. Also if they showed up on harder floors they might be of use (example: Dark City). As it stands though they are stationary and only appear on Aurora Isles: Jelly Farm 2. The Aurora Isles are no where near hard floors, making the Turret a waste of energy.
I agree, Gwen.
I could see these things being a major help, especially with dodgy enemies or fast enemies or hordes of enemies. It'd lay off some pressure.
I seem to can't go t link.can you post another link?or just describe it.