I was wondering what the drop rate for boss tokens are? I killed vanaduke in one game and got 4 tokens than i killed him again and only got 3?
How is the boss tokens evaluated?
Boss token drop rate
Getting 4 tokens has been pretty random for me.
Though in my experience I always have less than 4 people at the boss battle when I get 4 tokens. But it's still not consistent. If I solo the entire tier 1 and Snarby I still get 3 tokens most of the time.
The amout of tokens are evaluated on how much of the run you've done, if you go through the whole run, then of course, you will obtain 3, maybe 4 (5 is uncomfirmed) tokens. Of course, joining into the area later can give you 2 or 1 token(s).
1 Token is awarded for the boss and the 2 proceeding levels that you complete (note that FCS has 5 levels, but normally gives 3 tokens). The bonus tokens (4th/5th) seem to be random, but are still awarded to late joiners of the party.
3 tokens or more if you started right at the beginning of the boss levels (if you joined at the beginning of the boss level this doesn't work, you have to be in the depths before the boss levels). I got 4 tokens at least once from all of the bosses (except for Vanaduke because I just got T3 clearance). I was extremely lucky once because I joined at the beginning part of IMF and got 4 tokens for killing the boss.
Usually you get three but if you are lucky you get four.some people say five is possible but has not been proven.