What do you want in Spiral Knights

Have you ever wanted something new in the game like a new kind of weapon or a new area in Haven. Well I might not be able to make that come true but I sure can listen to all your seggestions.

I want the Azure Guardian armor's scarf to change based on player color.
Easier access to more items, for collectibility's sake. By that, I mean the starter gears, most costumes (especially the Bombhead masks, which the devs really shouldn't have changed: it's like grinding for hours in the Golden Saucer in FFVII, then the rewarded item that would normally be used by anyone cannot be used by anyone else than the one who got it, wheter he or she benefits or not) and less of this shady binding/unbinding business.
Definitely much less of it. Trying to bring and maintain a lawful balance is one thing, but encouraging heavily purchase of CE to unbind gears with those crazy prices just feels like some stealth plot to make profits out of a bane mechanic. I will NOT let this thought go so long as item binding/unbinding exists in this game.
Also variety. That means something should be done about the 3*elemental gears (Blazebreak, Blizzbreaker ad Surge Breaker sets). And by something I mean a visual update (Blazebreak should keep the spikes and pigtails, Blizzbreaker should keep the spiked bucket look and cold mist leaking from the helm). Furthermore, new boss stratums and PvP modes, which are needlessly what the devs are onto already.
Also a promotional Sonic Helm: although the perfect timing has been missed by now, it's not exactly too late.

Lower the energy price for crafting. 400 energy was reasonable as a 5* crafting price, and 800 is discouraging to the new players.
I can understand the initial concern that the Devs wanted it to be more of a earn-what-you-work-for kind of game. But with the new unbinding costs, I think it might be fine to lower the crafting price back to 400 at the very least.
My opinion isn't fully baked though, so I will retract my opinion if someone gives me data and figures that changing crafting costs will substantially change the gameplay of Spiral Knights. I'm sure there are several holes to my opinion. Like economy or something.
I want OOO to give the game variety.
"What?!" says the confounded reader. "Surely you jest!"
No. If I were jesting, you would not have everyone wearing the wolver/chroma/bomber line and using owlite/plate/aegis shields.
There IS variety in the game in terms of gear, and there IS variety in terms of enemy types, but the damage types is what forces the above trends. Everyone gets these items because you encounter elemental way too often in the game. Hypothetically, all damage types should be equal: you have piercing from jellies and beasts, you have shadow from fiends and undead, and you have elemental and normal from constructs and gremlins.
The problem is that ANY of the enemies can have an elemental type, and a good portion of those instances involve those enemies giving elemental damage, which significantly increases the amount of representation that elemental damage has in the game. Plus, they often produce status effects nobody wants, effects that can royally screw you over (freezing with no shield, shocklocking, getting roasted alive). So no huge surprise, everyone gets the same four or five kinds of gear sets and shields, leaving everything else as more specialized items and/or mostly obsolete and just for costume looks.
I have all skelly gear, and while it's bad enough I need to deal with fiends and kats on a stratum 6 level, i also have to worry about Statikats and Toxicats attacking me with elemental damage. They're undead, and yet my dread skelly shield does not defend against their attacks nearly as well as it should because they won't deal shadow damage (or if they do, my shield only resists half the damage type of the attack); it's all elemental. So my 5 star shield meant to protect me from all evil fails miserably when I come across devilites or Kats that are blessed/cursed with one of the elements. Brilliant.
I know it seems I'm beating a dead horse here, but I really, REALLY want OOO to acknowledge what they've done. A comment from Nick or anyone from 3R would be nice. You seriously should not overrepresent a damage type in this game; I don't like being shoehorned into a single gear line. I should be able to choose what kind of gear I want to wear, and base my diving off of that. I can't do that, because strata are one of two things: elemental-type based (freeze, fire, poison, etc), or monster type based (and you will always find monsters in those strata that are elemental attackers). This means that while there is a good chance you will not find any shadow or piercing damage types in any given stratum (depending on what it is), you will almost ALWAYS find elemental damage types.
Sorry for writing a book, but it's been eating away at me for so long. Hopefully my analysis here explains thoroughly why this should be changed and why everyone chooses to go with the same few gear lines out of the entire pool available. Please, someone, please change this.
Story progression.
We've been stuck on Cradle for 4 months, and my knight has given up hope of ever seeing the Skylark again. He's taken to wearing Jelly armor and communicating by wobbling in order to better blend in with the indigenous people.
^Story progression simply means more content, so while writing you more story is easy, giving it to you is not nearly so. You want to know more about Alpha Squad? Another boss. You want more story about the core? Release the core content but find a way of leaving the story further open-ended so it doesn't look stupid that you opened the core and got at the power source and can now leave Cradle, but don't.
More weapons! Specifically melee weapons. Why do we only have swords? Pole arms, blunt weapons, daggers, idk but I've had enough of swords!
The game needs way more bosses. It also needs AUS servers or p2p or something.

I want to be able to map my 4 different weapon slots to different keyboard keys on my keyboard.
F = Weapon slot 1
C = weapon slot 2
mouse 4 = wep slot 3
mouse 5 = wep slot 4 (as of right now I can not bind my higher mouse buttons at all in game)
I want the red health capsules to always be bound to 1 key on the keyboard which I can map myself.. not a random 1234 slot.

Personally I'd like more bosses and regular enemies/enemy types. I am not honestly worried about equipment as they keep releasing new stuff with every boss and other updates... although I want the Mushroom Cap! :D:D:D:D The issue fixed with the Kats that Shrinkshooter mentioned would be nice also as it is very discouraging to go into an Undead strata geared for undead (shadow resist armor and shield), fight undead enemies which are supposed to do shadow/normal damage and they start throwing elemental at you instead. Kind of along the same lines of if my DA started dealing shadow damage randomly... massive wtf.
A couple other things I'd to see is being able to assign your weapons to certain keys for fast switching (not a feature I'd use but I know a lot of people would, I like the scroll bar) and being able to bind the gate map to a key. The issue of "dud" bombs in Blast Network I hope will be fixed. Considering it hasn't even been out a month and they already took care of the afkers, ghosting players (bug), and various other issues with it leaves me very happy with pvp atm though, even with the occasional dud bomb.
More pvp modes, but we already know those are coming... probably with more costume items for each variation of pvp, which will be neat.
Oh, please... Tier 3 Devilite Boss! :D We need another hard boss, and Devilites would make a perfect boss for Tier 3. (I am so going to get flamed for that.)

I want Crest of Almire to have a new design
the Blackened Crest's artwork is too awesome that makes the Crest of Almire which is exactly the same as Aegis looks like a joke
if OOO is too busy to draw a new shield just switch the Blackened Crest and Crest of Almire's artwork,simple and effective way.
I want better graphics options. When I first started playing, the textures on models were crisp. Now after the 'alpha mask' update, they're BLURRY.
Beta PvP back. *Grumbles*
agree with you

I want the beta PvP in a training hall or a balanced beta PvP and story progression would be pretty nice :)

Onyxia; "Crest of Almire which is exactly the same as Aegis looks like a joke"
Actuualy, there is one difference, it dosen't have the two swords on it like aegis. Though that's kinda a loss.
Pvp in the training hall? That is definitely you boad. I'm orangeo ingame >_>. Traininghall barfight. OHYHEA.
I'd like a normal damage pvp with a couple pvp loadout armors to choose from. Completely separate from depth play armor.
For swords they could have a calibur variant (the most basic sword) a normal damage flourish variant, a torkia without the stun effect (with a bit of extra damage to compensate, a cutter variant, and mabey a spur.
The guns could be a blaster, a autogun, a normal type of the prismatech alchemer, a normal antigua, and a pusar, and mabey a catalyzer.
The bombs could be variants of the blast bomb, irontech bomb, and crystal bomb, and a ally buff bomb that gives your teammates bonuses.
The armors could all have either higher defense, ASI, damage bonus, CTR, or movment speed increase.
The sheilds would be simmilar to the armor.
And I'd like the gunslinger line to be revised >_>. Should start out at 2 star with shadow defense, since wolver has peircing and demo has elemental.

Yay. Somebody agreed with me. That was so awesome though.
1. Snarbolax Armour and Helm
2. Different varieties of meelee weapon, as the other guy said.
3. Bows and arrows. xD come on!
4. A Piercing set that gives you an ASI >.<
People want Snarbo Armor solely for looks and for zero practicality. Because as I said before we don't need it. At all. It would be yet another wolf-looking gear set, when everyone and their mom ALREADY wear the wolver line. And to stay in keeping with the buckler series, it would most likely have some melee bonuses.
IT'S BEEN DONE. You want a Snarbo Armor for a costume, fine, but it should be costume only. When I said the game needed more variety, I meant more variety in that there should be more people wearing widely varying kinds of armor. Snarbo Armor would just be a red and black version of the wolver series with slight alterations. We don't need to see more of the same for the THIRD time (vog cub and skolver).
FFS, Snarbo Armour would NOT look like wolver! Give it a different look -___________-
Oh boy. Don't even go there...
too late
1. Gate Map hotkey
2. Shield costumes.
3. Laser Pointers on guns.
4. Boss health bars.
5. Raising PETS! http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/482
6. Another alternate use for wasted heat.
7. Using lesser mats to make better mats.
8. A Leviathan. XD
9. Duelling.
I can go on, but I lost my track of thought.
Bringing down the Ce price would be cool, but no. Implausible at this point.

This is what happens when you start a thread saying "say whatever you want and it might come true". You get a bunch of people blindly saying things.

i did this because i wanted people to share thier ideas with each other. they might come true but likely not

i would really like for three rings to expand haven. i dont know about you but it seems kinda small to me. i would also like for three rings to make a new area in haven like a raffle where you buy a ticket and then every hour they call out a number and if you have that number you win something like an item or ce. that would be great but it isn't really likely.
"This is what happens when you start a thread saying "say whatever you want and it might come true". You get a bunch of people blindly saying things."
Blindly saying things? That's totally insulting to people who are looking to improve the game by pointing out what needs to be worked on for the betterment of the playerbase. "Blindly" implies that the people here just pull some idea out of their butt and vomit it onto the forums without thought for the consequences or repercussions of such a change. It's condescending at best and downright elitist at worst. You're no intellectual giant yourself, given what posts I've seen from you, so I don't want to hear you criticizing others for suggesting to the devs what they've like the game to incorporate. Are there ideas out there that are just completely stupid? Absolutely. But you'll get that along the way regardless of the subject and venue.
Talking in realistic hypotheticals doesn't hurt anyone and is the reason these forums are here. If you're going to pull out the old "you guys are dumb for trying to do this" line (don't deny you are, that's exactly what your post means), do it somewhere that's actually non-constructive. This thread has some legitimate points.
Whole lot of weapons.
Bunch of new enemies.
Pets (something to collect and show off in Haven).
More customization.