The argent had a nerf!?!?! The range has decreased alot, my polaris now completely and utterly overtakes the argent in terms of sheer damage, range and status effects. WTH is with the sneaky nerf!? at least tell us about it
I just tested my AP and there was no nerf.
I found an older video with AP( and tested to see if the range was nerfed, it is not.
Where were you using it, and what were you using it on?
I stood the same place, as in the video(Emberlight D18), and checked if the range was the same, it was.
I used my Argent Peacemaker on nothing.
I meant the OP. I wanted to know what circumstances led him to believe it was weaker and shorter-ranged.
I do know that the game won't show more than one of your AP bullets onscreen at once. If you fire it quickly enough, your previous shot vanishes prematurely when your next shot comes out. This is only a visual effect-- the old bullet is still there, and is still going to hit anything it was headed to, but has suddenly become a stealthy ninja bullet. However, this makes it look like the bullets aren't going as far as they're supposed to.
Okay, the range used to be able to hit as far as a polaris explosion, namely out of the bullets range, this can be seen when having another guy fire an antiqua beside you. They used to be the same range where the bullet detonates, now it has been decreased, the antiqua has a slightly longer range then the argent now, go try it out then you will know why it has been decreased [if you dont do this you cant really see it]
Or maybe they increased the polaris explosion/range?
Just completed a run where a mender did a 3 swing combo with its wand, I though they said they were going to do no harm.
Also lumbers seem to leave you with 1 hp regardless of your health when they hit you.
Okay, the range used to be able to hit as far as a polaris explosion,
I haven't been using a polaris for that long, but for at least a month now, the polaris has been able to shoot further than the AP. There are a few places in the FSC where an AP can't hit monsters while a polaris can. I doubt that there has been any change to either gun since the release of the polaris.
Phew, ain't I glad I did not get my AP now. I decided to go with 3 kinds of heavy pistol over having that, and I am guessing now that I will not ever get an AP if it was nerfed.