Is there any way to fix this.............. and also when is the game going to fix it............. also try uninstalling it it helps for a while
"failed to connect to server" - anyone else seeing this?
it wont let me log in... says 'failed to connect to server'... iv been of the game for a while now i can play everyday but it wont let me get on (T-T)
it wont let me log in, i get the usual "failed to connect to server" message but when i do manage to log in and get on my character, the event hub is empty and only has a message saying "no new news", the advertisement banner is the only thing that seems to work, i would say it could be a steam issue but my friend isn't having the same issue and he's using steam as well, to make things a bit worse i tried it on a different computer and got the same result, in the past when this happened all i had to do was close spiral and start it back up but this time that didn't work, i've gone through the forums and tried their solutions of waiting a bit before trying to log in again and it still didn't work, at this point im confused because it seems to only be happening to me right now and i found nothing of anyone else having the issue be as big as mine right now or at least not saying anything to the extent i have, im hoping it's a temporary issue because i play daily and rather like the game, looking forward to some of the major updates too especially being that guild one, but i hope the issue is resolved soon, thanks for reading
i keep getting kicked back to the login screen when i try to go to the haven from the login screen
Same here - I'm a new player and have yet to be able to play the game, except for the tutorial (crash site). I can sign in and select my knight, but when I try to go to Haven, it just boots me back to the login screen with no explanation. Subsequent attempts give the generic "failed to connect to server" message.
As a matter of reference, I am using 64-bit Windows 7 and have latest version of Java installed (Version 7 Build 9). I have tried running through Steam as well as through the launcher. also have tried running windowed and full-screen. I have also validated my Steam install - none of the above have helped.
It says failed to connect to server.
Maybe it's because i need admin rights?
iv been having this problem for a while... i even stopped trying for about a year... now i come back hoping somethings changed... but no luck...

I have got this error too. it happens when I try to connect to my internet at my home. when im anywhere else it works fine. ive tried everything at my house it never connects and my internet provider doesn't support port forwarding and they wont do anything. ive tried too but it doesn't work.
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Yea now my client is saying this... when i leave and come back like 5-10 min later it works...