I am looking to see if anyone knows of a simple timer program. Basically, before I log off, I type in how much mist energy I have left and at a quick glance, I know what my level is. It doesn't have to be specific ally for mist but I would like to put in 13.2 mins for time interval and it goes up by one. With this, you don't have to have direct connection to the game's API and I can log back in when I get "just enough" mist to run JK, the twins, etc.
I've searched for SK specific mist counters for widgets and even prog on google and on the program but I can't seem to find anything.
The command I use to know when I'll have full mist is: date --date="+$(( (100-57)*792)) sec" +"Full mist at: %D %T"
Replace the "57" with whatever amount of mist you have.
To do what you requested, use: xterm -geom 20x1 -e 'i=57; while true; do echo "Mist; $i"; sleep 2; i=$((i + 1)); done'
Again, replace the "57" with whatever amount of mist you have