AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU SK?! THIS IS JUST OVERLY INSANE!!! The scuttlebots! Oh my god the freaking scuttlebots! There just so strong and overpowered I can't even begin to descrive my hatred towards them that seethes with pure pure rage! For gods sake weaken them already, how could you even think this is fair? They're range is just ridiculous, and the damage they deal is just freaking aggravating! They move to fast, way to fast, have to much Hp and are just...just....ARGH!!! They're so powerful that they make fighting 10 devilites look like the easiest thing in the freaking world! I GUARANTEE THAT A ROOM FULL OF 10 OR MORE WOULD MAKE VANADUKE LOOK LIKE SNARBOLAX! Please...I beg you...I'm going insane...weaken them....please....PLEASE I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Scuttlebots are overpowered!

you ruined your sarcasm by pointing out its sarcastic. now its not funny at all, if it was even funny to start with.
that's akin to telling a joke and saying "get it? get it, because [insert explanation]". Way to sabotage yourself.
Yeah I feel your pain: whenever I do the Roarmulus Twins the scuttlebots are like 4 infinitely respawning Lord Vanadukes. They make the twins seem like the secondary issue.
But what really drives me nuts are the Virulisks. Their frustrating "hop to the left" maneuver is only equaled in dastardliness with their "hop backward" trick, and worst of all is the projectile vomiting that's so hard to avoid and it's green too. Not to mention it has way too much health and gives little to no warning of when it's going to attack or jump. I wish the GMs would do something about this issue.
Now I want to see the Roarmalus twins with 4 vanaduke spawners.

Whatchu talking bout, I never said that...
...make the joke BETTER. I was getting ready to lol... but then you ruined it.
/me shakes fist
you should have omitted the "this is sarcasm, duh." part and just thrown in a ridiculous and extravagant amount of information on why scuttlebots are a problem as well as some throwing in some haxxorz, some lolololol!!11!1elevenone elven!!! and other stuff like that.
Would have been A+ post if done so.
i cant even joke about this without feeling failure. lol.
lag no, disconnect no..even if i disconnected id be confident of surviving scuttlebots. not being sarcastic ther.
@Acid_Snow Yeah, those Virulisks know some maneuvers.

I really lol'd at the name of this thread. haha... knew it was a joke right away of course, who didn't. Hahaha.......... the ones at RT are a pain though.

I've died from scuttlebots before. Have full hp, see white square icon of death, crash, restart, come back to 2 scuttlebots being bored and now wandering about.
But anyone who dies to scuttlebots without losing connection for >30 secs? That takes some work.
God, I know. All that slow waddling and 2 second charge before their tiny range-spit. At least those T2+ Retrodes are nice and easy to kill. I love a mob that spawns with pinpoint-aimed breath weapons with more range than my 5* gun and didn't get their hand attacks nerfed along with their model-brother, the skeleton.