Even if you can't recall exactly, try and estimate based on what you bought (if anything). Stuff like: How many boss runs, how many crowns, how many recipes... stuff like that.
I got:
3 4* recipes
2 3* recipes
2 2* recipes
(40k cr)
about 5 twin runs done
about 9 JK runs done
about 4 snarbly runs done
A silversix crafted
A striker crafted
A vile striker crafted
(1000ce 6k cr)
I ended with 45ce and 4514cr
aaand... I'm not sure how much energy I used, but a lot less than I would have had to use!
Most of the stuff I did was runs and the recipes and crafts were done along the way. I did a few other gates too. Sooo... basically a "How much of your life did you waste this weekend" topic :P Post.
i did jk Runs like 8 times and amassed 60k worth of stuff.
started with 2k cr.
-got a faust and avenger recipe O.o