let's say you have a character and you create a new one. can you trade between those 2 characters or not EX: My character1 trade wolver cap with My character2. I really want to transfer some of my stuff over to my other person like my wolver set but i dont know if i can do that.
trading with your own character

mail it to the other character.

you can mail it to your other character? never tried that thanks
Mailing cost you 100cr but is more convenient than trying to trade to yourself.
and yeah, this is convenient until 3* gear, since giving your alt 4* stuff will cost you the unbind cost.

You can either mail (anything not bound, CE, cr) for 100cr, or open two windows (or more) and run different instances.

2 characters on the same account can't be online at the same time, but lots of us have 2 separate accounts, often 1 is paid and the other is free so that they don't share mist energy (meaning you get 200 mist energy every day). This way both characters can be online at the same time and trade with one another.
Just mail it to the other character name! I mailed myself 2K once. ON the SAME player! ie I am Psychodestroyer. Psychodestroyer mailed 2K to Psychodestroyer. Psychodestroyer got new mail. Mail was from Psychodestroyer and contains 2K.
i use my steam account and the... standard browser(?) account and alt+tab between the two.

hehe So, Valkryie...you mailed yourself 2k with a 100cr fee? That's the most interesting way to lose cr I've heard to date...
when i started a 2nd character
i sent him:
dusker set
bristling buckler
while i was in the rescue camp XD
when i started walking around people started to:
call me a hacker
beg me for stuff
follow me around
it was funny
i think you would have to open another page so you can control both your characters and trade