I like to be as frugal as possible so that means not buying any CE with real money. Is it possible to run a gate using 100 energy and come back with 5k+ crowns so i can buy another 100 energy to continue playing the game and so on an so forth? I am still at tier 1 working on tier 2 or does it get better at higher levels?
Which Gate will always make me go positive in CE for Continuous play.
The amount of crowns does increase when you hit tier 2, especially in the second half of it. It is definitely possible to only use mist energy and make quite a tidy profit... but you should be careful not to die too often. When one is ready, I've heard that the Royal Jelly boss' gate is one of the most rewarding places. I would go with a party just in case. However, get used to tier 2 before attempting; there is quite a difficulty spike between tiers. You will need a very good shield and learn to maneuver around enemies.
No it doesn't. You don't get more crowns for higher levels other than for the 2nd strata of a level.
L1-3 - Strata 1 (These levels you'll probably get 3-500 crowns each)
L4 - Clockwork
L5-8 - Strata 2 (There levels you'll probably get 500-2k crowns each)
L9 - Manor
There are a couple things to improve your crown making.
1.) Pick up everything and cut down all grass
2.) Try and jump down to the 2nd strata as much as you can via friends/guild
Probably the most common way to make money is to keep running JK runs. The 2nd strata levels (L14-17) will usually net you between 3-7k for those three levels. Since they only cost you 30 CE to run them you will net a profit.
thats very good advice thank you.
how can i tell if it has an arena though i look at the gate map ahead of time and i cant tell if it has arenas. graveyards are obvious though
Just about any gate will keep you in the positive for continuous play, provided you don't die, and you take every challenge that comes your way. (danger rooms/arenas)
Arenas have a shield. Graveyards have a tombstone.
Jelly King was fixed to be in line with other runs as far as profit goes. Still not a bad choice, but you don't have to do JK specifically.
Each level on the gate map represents what levels can show up at a given depth.
if there are arrows between the different symbols on a given depth that is the direction of the rotation. The levels will switch every 15 minutes or so.
Arena's are always a shield icon. So if you look at the gate map and see red gears > grey gears > grey shield
When you get to the elevator before that level you'll see one of those symbols on it. If it shows red gears, you wait 15 minutes and the screen will show grey gears. If its ? instead of arrows between the symbols then it is totally random when you step on the elevator. Its random for each person too so if you all go solo and go down separately you'll all get different types of levels.
Note that there is a very large variation in monster drops too. If you get lots of items, vitapods, hearts all those things take the place of heat/crowns. So two levels may give very different amounts of crowns.
Best I've seen probably is about 2.5-3k crowns from an arena level on L17.
You can also check the gate map at any time when you are in the clockworks by clicking the gear symbol at the top left corner, and selecting "Gate Map". It will show the gate you are currently in, and which area you are headed to next. If you have an option, and you see an arena or such in the options of the next floor theme, you can wait until it switches to it.
Levels rotate every few minutes (3-5), not 15.
Find the one gate that offers you the most arenas.
Bring a Calibur and beat them all.
From my experience, full clearing any t2 or t3 gate, JK/FSC or not, will at least sustain you in the current Cr/CE market. It will be slow to make a lot of profit in t2, but you will sustain and slowly build up surplus. This is provided you aren't wasting a lot of energy on revives. You shouldn't have to do Danger rooms, but if you can survive them, they are great for money.
That said, as mentioned, levels with more mobs lead to more crown, which is why heavy arena tiers are very popular. Graveyards are also good, provided you kill everything along the way and not just try to zerg past.
Levels rotate 15 mins on tier 2 and tier 3 and 3-5 mins on tier 1, not 3-5 mins for all... [i cant confirm tier 1, but i have confirmed tier 2 and 3 while spending a full 15 mins chatting with others after watching us miss the arena and deciding to wait for the next gate which was also an arena]
Making money:
Pick up all stuff you can sell and all coins. Destroy bushes for more coins.
Sell all materials you can reliably sell (don't risk losing the fee in AH).
Usually you can make a good profit out of certain materials (but I am not revealing which ones here).
Trade tokens for materials and sell them.
Make runs that have arenas and graveyards, plus endgame areas like jelly king entry levels.
If not playing for the day, at least open the game for crafting something cheap with your mist energy. Have a few low level recepies for this that will sell the crafted items. Occasionally you might even get an UV that sells really well.
Be careful of what you craft.
Yes, tier 2 is much better profit than tier 1. The most common answer to this question would be any gate that has jelly king or fire storm citadel. Jelly king is an easy enough gate to farm making around 5K(this is what most people say I haven't done the math for it). Fire Storm Citadel can give you 7K I believe? That being said if you don't feel like running the same gates over and over, I would recommend looking at the gate map ahead of time to see what types of stages you'll be in store for. The more profitable floors would be arenas and graveyards(assuming you can handle them and do not die). Also reselling recipes from basil can give a good profit, just know which ones to sell as not all of them will bring in a good price.