5.7k CE
WTS Scary Bombhead Mask (sold) Azure Bombhead Mask
Sucra if he does not buy it, see me or krog, don't be shocked if he does not show the goods, its part of his reputation
Called check mate sub ;p
Hmmmm. This is quite an auction dilemma we're in.
To KrogMoMo and Hinigashi, you both are claiming BigFootM is just raising the bids and doesn't come thru. I will try to contact him in game for a week. If he doesn't come thru with the CE, we'll continue the bid's at your guy's highest offer which is 5.6k ce. Seems you know what he's doing but fuel him by raising the offer. Unless of coarse someone else comes in and outbids you two. Cause it seems you both are willing to pay a decent price for it.
Current bid is 5.6k Hinigashi. Anyone else interested other then BigFootM raise the price from this offer.
BigFootM w/5.7k CE, what is your in game name?

IGN is Bigfootm
I'll be on around 6pm central today, just gonna buy some more CE. After I buy this I'll be about cleaned out of CE. This is off topic, but will you be willing to trade for some stuff? Will discuss ingame later.
Shoot me a mail or I will forget, just say: Scary Bombhead
C ya later!
That's incorrect, if bigfoot is doing this for nothing then all his bids don't count, but fear not, krog and I can come up with a deal with you so we are all happy.
We will know now if he is a troll and fake if he does not pay up, update us here, and I would not wait a week, give him 24 hours, as he is on a lot
By the looks of it he has already started, don't accept part exchange with his crap items, me and krog would make sure payment is ce in full.
Let us know

I don't play 24/7, let alone every day of the week. The week time is good, especially because school is starting on Monday
As bigfoot is being a complete troll, give us an update here if you sold it to him Sucra! cheers!
sucram whats going on then?
and whats your IGN?

Waiting to buy. Will not be on as much now, school starting today. Try to get to me though.
So, the moment I'm sure everyone's been waiting for. Will BigFootM come through w/the offers he placed for the Scary Bombhead Mask @ an offer of 5.6k CE. And the answer is provided in the following links:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/Prelude01/Spiral%20Knights/ScaryB... showing he put in the CE and clicked "confirm".
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v492/Prelude01/Spiral%20Knights/ScaryB... showing I clicked "confirm" and complete the transaction.
I made a critical error in the final transaction, he was suppose to give 5.6k ce but the novice I am, I didn't verify on here what the final offer was. So I was given 5.3k CE, after realizing the mistake I made, I messaged him and he states he will give me the rest. I can provide a screen shot of that as soon as we complete the action.
Azure Bombhead Mask:
2.2k ce bid Condition <--- highest bid ATM
Condition, are you still interested in the Azure Bombhead Mask?
So you're not actually going bid higher suddenly?
Disregard any of Bigfootm's bids in this thread, all he does is troll and raise bidding prices.