IGN - Noobowns
Selling Sealed Sword with Damage bonus Vs Slime: Medium - SOLD, 800 CE and 3k cr
Selling Sealed Sword ASI Low - SOLD, 57,999 cr
IGN - Noobowns
Selling Sealed Sword with Damage bonus Vs Slime: Medium - SOLD, 800 CE and 3k cr
Selling Sealed Sword ASI Low - SOLD, 57,999 cr
I am selling one for a very good price. I need the energy as soon as possible, so im offering a great deal. If you are interested in buying it soon, then I will include 50 blue shards.
Like I said, I am in a very tight spot and need the energy for crafting something. Please let me know if you are interested in this. If you send me a message by the end of the day, I will include 25 green shards as well. After tonight, only blue shards. After Tuesday, I will not be including the blue shards at all. The energy is very important for me to get as soon as I can.
Sealed Sword ASI Low - Asking 55k or 900 CE, will reason.