Ever since the Power Surge Weekend from August 12th to the 14th, the Crystal Energy prices have risen from around 5k cr (high but reasonable) to now around 6k cr (high but UN-reasonable). I know it was because of the high demand for Crystal Energy over the weekend, but now the prices have yet to lower, even though it has been almost a week since the PS Weekend ended. I realize it is a player driven market and that the high prices were a good way for easy cr but it seems that there is no end in this price rise and, asking around it seems that players are not willing to pay the price for the CE and are not playing or at least playing less because using a Mist Tank only yields a few more K cr than necessary to buy the CE. Just wondering when people are going to stop being greedy or if there is a way t lower it otherwise
Your Sealed Sword Salesman, Excisionx :D
6k? I saw it go from 5.2 to 5.6 yesterday and then stop. Though I couldve missed something. I had a fourm around here somewhere with two or three reasons as to why is spiked up. Also, 5k isn't high if you're T3. I vote medium. 5.2 is kinda high, but it's ok. 5.6 breaks the limit, but not by far. If it goes to 6k, I shall frown and use the word shame repetadely.