Not a terribly huge deal and more for solo play than in groups where pills are in higher demand but enough people seem to be surprised seeing me do this that I thought it would be worth making its own thread.
So, when you are approaching a party button gate and there are more pills in the previous area than the 3 you can carry on you, you can simply get up near the button and drag and drop pills from your action bar onto the ground, then run back and get all the extra pills before coming back and really hitting the button. Now the excess pills are here with you in the new area, and pills have no unspawn timer on the ground like hearts do so they'll sit there forever waiting for you to pick them up again, so you can repeat this process of dragging around pills 3 at a time throughout all three arena stages or into a danger room. Never again shall you curse the game for making you leave behind valuable restoratives in the easy first stage of an arena only to quickly beat the pills out of you in the third stage and make you waste precious energy reviving.
If you feel the need you can also do this with vials, remedies, or, for no good damned reason, vita pods.
I'll remember this...may come in handy when I try to tank it out on my own again in tough areas...