Hello i have an avenger, shortly going to be upgraded to divine, a 4* shadow driver UV slimes low, and a Glacius, i am wondering what scenarios, would each weapon be most effective, i am also planning on getting a Faust and a ash of Agni, i would like to know when each weapon would be the best for a given scenario(gremlin, devlites, undead,etc). Thanks on advance
Foremost, weapons are going to be effective when used against monsters that are weak to that damage:
Weapons that work well for a particular monster tends to do bonus damage to them, think OOO did that on purpose.
So you might not need two elemental swords and two shadow weapons to start. (Although Ash is also elemental, only the small initial explosion is elemental so doesn't really count.) Usually people will go with either a DA or Glacius because one of the two fits their playstyle better. Also, there are no piercing weapons in your arsenal... might consider a Barb Thorn Blade or Final Flourish.