Hi to all, there is any option for change the loot distribuition in party when you are in dungeon, it's very annoing the random distribution...
If the isn't any option, pls GM make it ^^.
Loot distribution
The round robin was likely removed because it was too easy to abuse.
I kinda wish powerups worked the same way as hearts, like they were instanced to each player so each person could pick it up. Could balance this a bit by having vials and capsules drop less overall.
I've noticed the new loot system is sorta unblanaced. Several runs in a row my fiance and I did, she ended up with ALL the high star items, and I ended up with crap. Not only did I have less items all together (about 10-15 less every run) but also, I had worse quality items. Of course, since its me and her, and we are setting 3 feet away from each other, its no big deal. But this is also why I only prefer to play with her, or solo. Seems my character just does not get the good drops, and im always reviving other players when I play, so I'd rather just play solo and get all the drops that I work for myself. If the loots sytem was more evenly balanced, I would be more likely to play with other friends, but for now I'll continue running solo, or with my fiance. B)
I think the devs should implement a better system.
Maybe a rotating round robin, which gives 1 to each member, but always in a different order. For example:
First 4 items: 1 2 3 4
Second 4 items: 4 3 2 1
Third 4 items: 1 4 2 3
Or a round robin based on stars of the mats.
Yep I hate the current system too, instanced drops is the best approach, round the robbin (the order varies at every 5th drop like Pupu suggests) is 2nd best approach.
I always miss out on good stuff, I have gotten maybe 2 Iron gears and 1 Sword Stone since the game went live? Oh and blue crystals are rare as heck too but not as rare as iron gear/sword stone. (All 3 materials were plentiful during the preview)
I had to trade heavily or mooch off in-game friends to get most materials for any gear I craft which is extremely annoying and depressing.
yesterday i went through a whole 7 floors without getting ONE piece of loot, it was incredibly frustrating seeing things i needed just go to everyone and i got literally nothing. They need a major revamp on the system if its possible for something like to happen. But the people were nice enough to give me some of the loot at floor 8 :)
They could ajust de loot distribution based on quantity comparision. Who has less of some material, gets it.
That's why I'm "partying alone" most of times, except when i'm only trying to gather crowns.
Okay we need to bring back round robin ONLY because its very unfair to have random I just got out of a run and I ended up getting 2 materials (Red shard and a beast fang) out of 20 possible drops (we had 3 people total counting myself in our party).Its really unfair in my view the whole run this happened to me about 5 to 6 depths and the rest of the time I would get 3 items MAX...while my other friends got about 8 drops in a row....
That should happen in only 1.4% of the cases, and is compensated by the fact that it will happen to each of your companions as well a similar number of times, meaning more loot for you.
I don't see how this is any more unfair than loot being dropped at random rates in the first place. I've had instances where on a level that on average would drop 10 materials or so, I ended up with only 3. How incredibly unfair! ;) In cases where chance is involved people (or is it a certain subgroup) only focus on the cases where they were unlucky, completely discounting the cases where they were lucky as hell.
As for round robin, please god, no. That system is so open for abuse (even if you randomize the order of each round). It will lead to certain players being more focused on what loot drops when, and in which order it should be picked up, than on helping out their party. This will breed frustation with other players, and set a bad atmosphere.
If every possible combination/order of players is used then I don't see how it could be gamed in a round robbin situation.
I'm not sure how a randomized RR evey 5 drops has an easy to abuse mechanic? It doesn't limit who can pick up an item, and no knowledge of who's next will exist except for the 4th person. Best case scenario is an item only one person wants drops and they can go back and get a chance at it after you finish the current 4 drop cycle(during which they already received their drop). If there was only one looter and the rotation was known, that leads to easy abuse. But 4 looters who can force the cycle's continuation and an unknown rotation would keep all the worst offenders from abusing it, and for them set the distro back to random.
I agree with Pupu. The runs I have been on since 1st april I have only picked up 1 iron gear and 1 swordstone while being on level 2 for say 5-10 runs a day? All other materials I have picked up are ones that are common and not that useful. My boyfriend refuses to play anymore since the random distribution was introduced as he was the same as me and didn't get any materials that were of any value. There are a few people I have spoken to ingame( some new players) which have also expressed concern over it.
Honestly, ive for the most part quit playing coop for this reason. I could deal with randomness if it close to even distribution. Im still not completely convinced that the system doesnt discriminate against lower gear level or lower damage output players. Being unlucky on 3 consecutive tier 2 runs makes you painfully aware of the quality of material that you acquire, especially when the majority of the time there are only 3 players. Going through a graveyard and not getting a single gravesoil when you dont already own one or getting the lions share of frayed fabrics rather than a single iron gear, gizmo or sword stone.
Round robin had potential and it might have been a bit too hasty to just throw it away. There are honestly plethora of ways of concealing a fairness loot distribution mechanism to eliminate abuse.
- Increasing the size of the rounds in round robin makes it much harder to manipulate.
Ex: round 1
(0 7 2 6 1 3 5 4) mod 4 + 1 >> (1 4 3 3 2 4 2 1)
- Implementing a round robin for each item tier.
- Have 2 round robins states that cycle every 15-30 secs.
- Pupu's suggestion, which is probably all thats needed since its a lot harder to ensure that you get the item you want.
- Some combination of the above
Just Round the Robbin with distribution determined when an item drops, rather then when it is picked up. eliminates the ability to game the system to a massive degree.
I find the current loot distribution tormenting. Soloing all the way sadly :(
Random is fine. You just don't see it because you usually take your worst results as an example and let it quickly slip your mind if you get all the good loot for once.
An easy way to exchange drops after each lvl would be great though. "Drop one, get one of the same tier that has been dropped" or something like that. The only way to make almost everyone content is to give ppl some illusion of control at least. Or give everyone the same = multiply all materials everywhere (inventories, recipes, drops...) with 12 and distribute the bits evenly.
I've noticed people on the internet tend to feel that randomness and chance always work against their favour :)
Random and chance are good, but its no denying the fact that people will run through several levels with a party and not pick up a single useful thing. This has happened to me so often that I'm think that the system has a grudge on me.
A pseudo-round-robin algorithm (for N players, each player will get one out of N drops, in random order) would be great, and even better if each tier of mats had its own independent order. So normally you would get 1/4 of all 0* drops, 1/4/ of all 1* drops, etc. No idea how hard this would be to implement.
I kind of just accept when I get bad stuff lol...not like I don't have enough basic materials anyway...
Just wanted to put my vote in for some kind of alternative to "random."
It's true that the random distribution evens out over time, but it's also true that those runs where you get nothing of value can be really disappointing. A few of those in a row is especially disheartening, and after that, one decently rewarded run doesn't really feel as good as it should. It might affect casual players more than the hardcore, who are going to hit the "even out" point more often.
The solution seems to be what everyone else has suggested: make the distribution "even out" over a single run. That way, a "disappointing" run is one where you don't get exactly what you want, instead of a run where you get hardly any mats at all. You'll still have "really good" runs, but now they'll be when you get just what you're looking for, instead of when you finally get a bunch of stuff at once.
The formula seems to be something like:
- Some variation on a randomized round-robin
- Multiple such round-robins, one for each star-level, so one person doesn't get stacked with all the high-tier loot.
- Distribution on drop, rather than on pick-up. Franpa snuck this one in. I'm not sure how you could game this to get something specific, even by leaving the clockworks and re-joining. As soon as you know what something is, you know who's getting it and who's not. There's no time to try and fiddle with it.
- Players who join mid-run don't get added to the round-robin until the current round-robin is finished. So, if there are 3 players and one of them has received loot in the current robin, the two remaining players are guaraunteed loot before the new, 4th player gets anything. The round robin then starts again with all four players. This would keep someone from leaving and re-joining to try and adjust their position in the robin for more chances at loot. I'm not sure how the kick system works currently, but you'd have to take that into account.
There's round robin option which would cycle the way it is distributed (player A, then B, then C, then D, then A again) or there's random, which is truly random.
If you want all loot, you've gotta work by yourself, I believe that's because they game creators don't want people to fight over items. Just like how heat is evenly distributed and coins. And I figure they don't do loot that way so its worth more.