How do I Buy the Starter Pack with Steam?
Starter Pack With Steam?
Sat, 08/20/2011 - 00:50
Sat, 08/20/2011 - 01:50
Also note that adding to the
Also note that adding to the Steam wallet can only be done in certain amounts, smallest being $5. The wallet is stored as part of you steam account, and any unused funds are kept until you spend it on microtransactions or steam store purchases.
Sat, 08/20/2011 - 05:05
Legacy Username
This is wrong. It use to be
This is wrong. It use to be this way, but if you add the item to your cart and then checkout and you don't have enough in your steam wallet it will ask you to add money. You can do $5/$20 and so on. But now you can click add (the amount of what's in your cart), so it would say add $19.99 or how ever much is needed.
I loved that they changed it, finally got rid of my extra 38 cents. As you can see I only needed to add $19.61
When you go to purchase it, the steam overlay should give you an option to add money to your steam wallet that can be used for the transaction. Basically you pay for it just like you would with any other steam game, and it even has your pre-existing pay method saved if you've bought on steam before.