I just realized my armor, helmet, and shield provides no protection against piercing damage. I was wondering how vital piercing is and what my options may be.
Piercing Damage
Not to mention spiky jellies. Any time a monster glows yellow, you'll get hurt preeeeetty badly. TIme to get an Aegis or Barbarous Thorn Shield for JK runs.
In the end, it would seem like the best way to play the geme would to be to just get full grey owlite, dread skelly, royal jelly, and some nice volcanic armor. Feels like armor is a tad too important. =_=
My armor is to protect my vulnerable silk undies.
There are some trinkets that provide piercing defence, You could always try those, if you don't want to bother changing your armor.
So we know starlinvf isn't wearing angelic. Tisk tisk.
Trinkets are pretty much the same as UV's. In the end, a heart pendant line trinket is always the best. Or at least the most applicable.
A better question is, do the monsters that deal pierce give you trouble?
You don't really need an armor set for every theme of monster, just the ones that give you trouble.
Stay away from spike beds and wolvers. Trust me, I learned the hard way.