I get that it's for the Beta Testers and whatnot, but does it have any use other than sitting in my inventory? Sure, it's nice to see a 5-star artifact sitting there, but is there anything behind it? Why have such a special item like this in my inventory if it can't be shown off?
Pioneer's Medal...?
Is this the purpose of the artifact inventory?
I like the idea of it serving as a physical repository for achievements.
me too. are there any other artifacts that you can earn yet? i imagine there might be one in the core..
Although it would be nice to have an artifact slot in the equip screen, where you could equip one of your artifacts and show it to the people as achievments...ya know, i'm putting this on suggestions.
"Although it would be nice to have an artifact slot in the equip screen, where you could equip one of your artifacts and show it to the people as achievments...ya know, i'm putting this on suggestions."
Wouldn't mind running around with a medal on my chest.
Yup. That's what I mean. I like feeling special, but I wanna show it off in some way. :O
It's a fancy achievement item just for you.
That's it.