What guns have you had success with again the Gremlin horde?
I used to use a shadow tech alchemer and it worked alright, but their dodging was annoying. I used the Magnus after that, it does only neutral damage but hits before they can dodge and the knock up can keep them stun locked pretty well. The dps is pretty low though since I only have a 2 shot clip, and standing still to shoot is a pain in the butt.
I just crafted a Virulent Catalyzer thinking that might be a good option, but I ran the first strata of fsc (currently gremlins) and felt the gun was almost useless because of the bullet speed + their dodge spam... I figured the poison would help cut the menders off, but with the dodging I can't keep them poisoned, or even taking much damage...
Eventually I reverted to some bombing, and worked my way though with the good old aoa <_<
But I'd really like a gunner option - does anyone know a gun that is effective against gremlins? Right now it seems the magnus is the best just b/c they can't dodge it <_<
I was perplexed by this decision a while ago, and Sentenza/Blackhawk seems like the best option...
But I also think that you're right on about the poison. So I think that Toxic/Blight/Plague Needle
would be one of the better options, too.