Okay so I was thinking, Saw yet another video of the famous GM Oceanus taking down Vanaduke and then the question hit me...
Whos idea was it to take a crow bar, and give it the power to rip a hole in the universe, and give it to some possibly-crazy knights who's job it is to run around the clockworks at insane speed and help knights who get stuck behind broken gates...
Well done whoever thought that one up lol
In the end, all I can say is, I'll never look at crow bar the same way again.
I really want one though. One million Damage ain't bad bro.
Heh, here's a story.
Vanaduke-Whats this? More wolves for the Blood of Almire? Our kingdom will not fall under such beasts! (Or whatever he says)
Bigfootm-Hi Vanaduke, I brought you a present! *Has crowbar behind back*
Vanaduke-Cool, nobody ever brought me anything!
Me-Come closer...
Me-*Whacks Vanaduke with crowbar*
V-what was that?
Me-Sorry, lagging.
(Cont. through P5)
Me-OK... Now look.
V-Dont hurt me fool.
Me-Trust me, I'm *GM appears for previous bug report and hits Vanaduke with crowbar UV damage v Vanaduke VH* Not...
All I wanted to do was give you this Flame Soul...