I've been in 3 guilds so far and I've noticed one thing: they seem to serve no purpose (other than that bomberman style 'pvp' teaming). I'm wondering, will guilds ever serve more of a purpose in this game? I mean, will future updates allow guilds to have wars? Is there a possibility of raids becoming available? Can Guild houses be upgradable? And what is the point of having only a trasmuting machine inside the guild houses? Those things a littered everywhere ¬¬
Question about guilds
There are already MULTIPLE guild improvement threads. Comment on those and support a worthy idea, and add your own.
Btw, 3 guilds? Ma, you need to make up your mind. I stick with the one I started with. I have this thing about loyalty, I was there when the guild was initially founded, though I was not instrumental nor even a part of its founding, merely joined when it was formed by direct invite of the Guild master. As a member of a guild I was not randomly invited to cuz they can, I won't leave without reasons border-lining either being kicked out, or someone in the higher up giving me a hard time.
Once this guy tried adding me to his guild, we were doing BN, and his invite said he watched me and thought I was pretty good.
LMAO! I didn't get ANY kills in that match! Liar liar pants on fire!

Guild wars and raids I don't see happening right now, since we don't have a no-holds-barred combat PvP, nor do we have any PvE aside from regular clockworks. Besides, large groups at once would only be chaotic.
Guilds are purely a social thing right now. Make friends and play with them, so forth.
Of course if you're not interested in that and want actual guild activites, then it might not be so important to you.

Never join guilds. Never ever join guilds. Ever.
Joining a guild can help you get your recipes faster than what you normally would. Guild mates tend to be more patient with newbies that are in their guild than newbies that are in a pick up group.
The guild hall will be upgraded in the future. As more pvp comes out I can imagine there will be more of a purpose for guilds soon.
Being in the "best" guild is some sort of status thing. As of right now you can't really tell who the "best" guild is.
I hope we can get more political with guilds like alliances and stuff, and maybe have more of a pvp war between guilds. Like how puzzle pirates have flags, we should have something like that... galaxies?
In the Jelly of the Jellotin galaxy.
Just a random thought.

then they serve no purpose. I was in a number of different guilds, and was astounded by how useless they were. Then i got invited to Core Meltdown--later merged with Active, and realized first hand how much better a good guild can make the game. It will add valuable hours of playtime to the game, cut down valuable hours of less enjoyable playtime, expedite the grinding process towards heat, crowns, and token items.
I can't imagine going through the game relying on pickup groups, or merely my friends list for getting into runs. Its so much better to have reliable teammates who you can trust to do the right things at the right times. Its nice getting bumps to FSC, nice playing with players who know how to handle themselves in boss fights, and nice to have people teach you the ropes when you are new to an area. (such as first time to take on vana).
Really, its the difference between having a core group of guys you play with (like an organized team in an organized sport) vs just randomly joining folks (like pick-up basketball). The organized, well practiced team is always going to be more effective. And in terms of spiral knights, that effectiveness is measured in time-management, heat, CE, and crown accrual, and less expensive crafting costs. [a good guild does numerous dungeon dives a day, and always throws out an '@ basil, neone need anything' into guild chat. and sells recipes @ cost. A good guild will sell you premade items and materials at a slightly reduced guildie discount. A good guild will pool their resources and knowledge to price check various items making sure you never overpay, or undersell an item vs its true value. A good guild will trade CE for crowns when applicable, saving the 2% loss of using the market. So many benefits to being in a good guild. I could go on, but these are enough, lol.]
I could use a good guild. :(
I was in one before that was always full on the roster, and a few people were online, but for the most part they were inactive and I didn't know anyone there...there were no regulars. The one I'm currently in is small and has good players, but they're seldom on...again, relatively inactive.
I prefer small groups of people (<40) with appreciable skill or a willingness to learn, and with members that are actually interested in logging on and interacting with other guild mates. Granted, I'm only in my second one right now, but it's lonely wandering around the clockworks with unreliable randoms...
*tears of depression*

The problem is that the guild leader and officers do not have a reliable way to know if the people actually are active or not
The only use that I can think of would be making it easier to find people to go on expeditions with, and to have people look for recipes for you as they go spelunking. Being in a guild does have its perks, but it's up to you how you decide to interact with it.