From nick's announcement:
Two new types of turrets can now be found within the Clockworks: the polyp and the howlitzer.
The polyp is a slime turret that fires piercing barbs and can see in all directions. The howlitzer is an undead turret that fires shadow bullets and will attempt to make a last ditch strike at Knights with its missile-like skull. Watch out!
Both of these monster types have complete status variants...
Looks like the clockworks just got a bit harder <3 Can't wait to go up against these new turrets.
On that note, when are the dangerer rooms being released? another way for gunpuppies to destroy me. Just when I was almost getting comfortable with owlite...
btw. about the other announcement...
"Blast Network
Hazard rooms are back! Several levels now have rockets and spike traps that cause a stun status effect instead of damage."
WHY NOW. I like just swore off that game today. I got the last token I wanted 30 minutes ago >.> now I almost want to go back darn it...