Sorry they have no built in voting system so here is a link to one, please vote and leave any remarks here, thanks :D
If you support either side please explain why to keep this thread alive with constructive thoughts!
Sorry they have no built in voting system so here is a link to one, please vote and leave any remarks here, thanks :D
If you support either side please explain why to keep this thread alive with constructive thoughts!
Because if you would rush this game you wouldn't really have any fun and isn't that what video games are for? This is why i choose A
I voted A as-well, the sooner we finish the game, the less fun we have, the more we get to play the game the better it is! heh
cool, this seems pretty useful, thanks for the linkydo.
I know exactly where this is going.
But the answer is A.
It's not about the destination, it's about the journey, but the stupid ten year olds with an attention span of a flea demanding instant gratification can't wrap their brains around that.
What do these options have to do with each other? Why do we have to choose?
Here goes shrinkshootr again...insulting people.
What is your problem man? Wait, don't answer that. You have already covered what your problem is. But do you HAVE to insult people? Don't answer that either, I feel like I won't like the answer.
Seriously man, just chill. This isn't another thread about the dirt cheap ce that you so heatedly raised a jihad against. Just sit down and chill out.
Anyway. I chose A, because it's more fun to actually play the game than to finish it. Finishing it is the motive. I just hate having to waste my mist everyday on the clockworks. I could have made something with it...
Definitely not B, cuz then like people will just be like WOOT! I got the the core within a week! WOOT! what...?...I kno, lets see who can die the most!
Valk relax, I can handle this one...
They do encounter each other because in essence right now in game-play hours the game is very fast, where as if the clockworks where free it would have to be very slow to keep it balanced.
so really its a question of what you prefer a shorter game or a longer grind.
but this poll to me is generally over and I have moved on to the new one that narrows the idea down of what people prefer.
Gonna eat my own pill and sit in my fridge.
Mmmmmmmm. Cooold.............I love chilling.^^
Oh and BTW, I was keeping my anger in check. But I see what you mean either way.
Sorry dad...*sniff*
Yeah this is more or less over
"Here goes shrinkshootr again...insulting people."
I have not insulted anyone but a category of players. I have not insulted anyone in this thread, and certainly not OP. I criticized the group of individuals who complain incessantly on these forums that energy is too expensive, and they want it incredibly cheap, just so they can hit endgame, not realizing once they're there and they have obtained everything they were working towards, there is nothing really left for them to do.
You react defensively as though I have attacked you or something, or someone else here. Any false perception of that case is purely your own fault.
Seeing as I have over 300 hours in game, and I truly enjoy it, running the clockworks as much as I want would be awesome. I don't see how it would work though. The point of the game is to earn crowns to buy CE to upgrade your armour to earn more crowns and so on. The whole economy aspect is the enjoyable part.
I have successfully made crowns, even with CE on the rise, so while it's not pleasant paying 6k for 100 ce, crowns and profit can still be made. To that end, I agree with Shrinkshootr, it IS about the journey. As he/she also said, some people don't get that. I feel that is their loss, not mine.
In closing, i dont know that unlimited access to the clockworks would be a good thing, but its preferable to a faster end game.
what's the context here...?
"I have not insulted anyone but a category of players."
Did I say you insulted anyone specifically? Insulting a group of people is still insulting people, unless you don't think of the group you refer to as people, then we have a dilemma.
"I criticized the group of individuals..."
Criticized is a euphemism. You said: "stupid ten year olds with an attention span of a flea demanding instant gratification can't wrap their brains around that."
Criticism is a form of critical feedback, or just plain shutting down of something. This isn't criticism. This is insulting. To 'who' it doesn't matter.
"You react defensively as though I have attacked you or something, or someone else here. Any false perception of that case is purely your own fault."
Me acting defensively? ^_- How so? I just told you to chill out and stop raging at people that are 1) Not even on this thread. 2) On a topic that isn't related to the OP's suggestion.
The statement declaring my perception is false is now deemed false itself.
Valkyrie: This isn't criticism. This is insulting. To 'who' it doesn't matter.
Wouldn't it be: to 'whom'?
If you could please put your opinions as-well as why you think Options A or B is better to give people and idea of why they should pick either or, thanks!