I was hanging around in tier 1 for a bit hours ago but whenever I shocked a gun puppy or mechaknight, I got blue numbered 7s. Instead of the usual brown (whatever amount of damage that comes with that). When I was in tier 3 against undead later though, I got the usual brown (29). So did constructs lose their elemental weakness (to shock ONLY), or are the numbers glitching like elemental does against mini jelly cubes, or did I miss something else?
P.S. If that isn't happening right now, maybe they fixed it, I haven't logged on to check. I wasn't expecting to be online lol.
Numbers are glitching, as they always do I think. I experienced the same behavior too even before the recent patch (comparing Polaris-induced shock damage vs Jelly Palace puppies and vs tier 3 puppies) so it should be nothing new...