(drumroll please)
Just ignore it and play slower. I've been such a proponent of fixing it somehow, but you know what? OOO ain't gonna do it. They don't think that there's a problem, and frankly, neither side on the flame-war is making headway...or good arguments.
And for God's sake....cough up $2.50 to build an alt. Do that 4 times and have an army of crafters, cranking out 2* stuff and selling it for small profit on AH. Not only do you now get an average of 4k per alt a day at a very easy, non-haggling pace, but you can also PLAY them. I never tried out Brandishes, so I built an alt who uses them and builds them.
I know I know...F2PF2PF2P whatever. You can spend half of what was spent on just one of the litany of tactical shooters everyone seems to be addicted to, and have constant cashflow.
If you find the idea of flooding the AH with junk, then sell to an NPC in the bazaar. You get 750/2* item. 1500cr a day, guilt free.
Not to mention that 750CE you bought for less than a yummy coffee drink? Transfer that to your main and build a 5* item with your mist.
I think I'm about to do it again, by golly. I like getting the UVs...it's like a little present from OOO.
I have 1 alt and I use it to craft if I don't have time to play both my main and alt. It's fairly profitable and probably how she was able to build an Ascended Calibur eventually.
My main? Let's just say I have bought the starter pack at least. I have still spent much less on this game than for a goodamn average FPS (EDIT: not named Team Fortress 2)...
Anyway, the problem with buying CE for some people is that they just can't without enlisting a nearby adult. I'm sure some of us here are too young to have a credit card but is more than willing to shell out $2.45-$25.00 :D