We are looking for new active members, we really need some mature gamers who can help manage the cult, we have recently cleaned out many of our members who have become inactive or left the game to breath new life into our cult. We are a very friendly cult and are open to all new players, most of us have only been playing spiral for a few months as well. Below is a list or perks and rules to give you a sense of how this cult is run.
Recruits: We have some benefits for recruits, we sell mats to them at cost, and help them as much as we can with information and pointers as to how spiral knights works, all recruits are welcome to participate in our Jk runs and we will also take through Snarl, as of this stage we are not capable of Vanaduke for we are still new players ourselves. we can and will help to craft anyway we can.
Members: we give them small loans under 1k, same as above rules apply, we will also craft items for cost and sell mats at cost or below. We will also invite to participate in runs.
Veterans: we have numerous perks for our veterans most prominently our ce perk which Rayona will sell ce for half cost, our Cultists will also craft for you. We give out loans for below 5k
Officers: Our officers being the upper echelon have the most perks in the guild, we give out undisclosed loans and crafting/discounts/gifts and more to our inner circle of the Cult.
The Cult of Cthulhu’s Creed: Favour for a favour, nothing is given, everything is earnt.
We do not give out anything for free, our services are not to be taken advantage of, we recognise hard work, you will be greatly rewarded for helping the Cult, the more you do for the cult, the more the Cult does for you. We believe in the symbiotic relationship.
Regards, Exo-Kraken and friends..
If you are interested in join a guild with a dedicated officer core send me a message in game IGN: Exo-Kraken GM for the Cult
Did not have time to proof read because of work, but any questions are welcome!