i currently have a kilowatt pulsar and a silversix
but i dont know which one to take to 5* first
argentpeacemaker or polaris for fsc??
As timanth said their are MANY threads asking this question, one of them was just yesterday so should be in the first few pages :/
Just to correct timanth though polaris actually does more damage against EVERYTHING in FSC, including vanduke, plus the expanded shots hit him even if you miss and hit his fireballs meaning you hit him more too :)
well i have a radiant pulsar and antigua so would supernova be better than peacemaker?
No, Supernova deals normal damage and elementary damage from the Polaris doesnt affect fiends like trojan and silk. Vana is weak against pierce.
The Blitz Needle can outdamage the AP and is near to the Polaris against Undead. Its just a bit hard to handle due the not movement while shot. With Blitz you just use charge attacks, never shot normal. You can do 3 normal shots instead of one charged:
Normal: 60 x 6 = 360 (x3 = 1080)
Charged: 100 x 15 = 1500
Also charged attacks willstunlock enemies, let them hold in position and disable their movement and attacks. Its more or less a safety way to deal with the mobs. Polaris is just much easier to handle against zombies, but is weaker against Trojan and all that stuff includin Vana.
AP does nowhere near as much damage as polaris's expanded shots against undead, plus provided its used right (2 shots then slight pause) it can knock out about 5 shots in the time AP can empty a clip. Polaris beats AP. Period.
Also, against vanduke it has been shown that polaris deals more damage PER CLIP than AP, include the fact that AP's clip takes twice the time to empty and that polaris will damage duke even if you hit the ring of fireballs and you got a weapon that will outdamage AP in EVERY scenario in FSC, except trojans - their weakness to piercing is far greater than dukes :)
About the blitz now.... yes, the damage per charge attak is greater, however.... (and these points relate to stage 5 of duke)
1) you will be locked in place for the duration of the charge, those slag champion things WILL hit you at least every other time...
2) duke is FAST in this stage, if his aggro is on you then you won't live to see the end of the special attack :P
3) the two rings of fireballs will easily block the majority of the clip meaning polaris may outdamage it anyway :P
Noone in this thread ever said AP deals same or more dmg to undead than Polaris o.O I said Blitz does.
The Polaris deals more damage PER CLIP than AP?? ... 3 x 120 = 360 > 6 x 80 = 480 ... you meaned per time? Same time you do not 3, you do 5 bullets with Polaris wich gives you 600 damage ~. Its strange -> AP is so bad, even if he deals bonus damage he does lass than other weapons XD omg :P
Now to your 1, 2, 3, issues:
1) true, that's why i just charge from the bottom of the arena. The camera is placed totally wrong, you see not enough to the bottom, you see too much into the room. I guess for soloing the weapon is awful. But with a team it actually works pretty good i guess. I have to learn it more, I'm no way a Vana pro, just killed him 3/4 times.
2) He acts like a trojan. You can beat him like one too. After he charged (missing you of course :P) you have enough time to attack him with that long range. But yea i guess in the "fast" stage (didnt notice this) Polaris would be better hm :)
3) Whut? Never noticed that either o.O Are you sure they do block? This is confusing me now. Well i beleve you i guess you killed him more than me :P So i guess: Blitz Needle in Stage 1 and 3 and Polaris in 5. Cause i'm gunner so :P Guns only :D
Either of them will get the job done. It really depends on playstyle and what you like more.
However, from what I hear, the upgrade pulsar to polaris seems to be better than from silversix to AP, so it might be a better ce investment.
3) I've done over 50 Vana runs with both Blitz needle, Argent Peacemaker and Polaris.
Argent peacemaker normal shots have some kind of piercing that goes through the ring of fireballs so most of the bullets will hit Vanaduke in phase 5.
Blitz needle normal shots are stopped by the fireballs in phase 5, but the charge attack from blitz has the same pierce as AP bullets.
Polaris small bullets are stopped by the fireballs, until they turn into explosive bullets which should hit Vanaduke if the bullet is inside/close to his fireball
Assuming you've trapped Vanaduke AP and Polaris will deal around the same amount of damage in phase 5
This is how it is in my opinion(I haven't researched it, but it is what I think from all the Vana runs):
Against FSC zombies/fiends:
AP low damage (Single target), safe (Can move while shoot)
Polaris moderate damage(Single target close, multi), safe (Can move while shooting, shooting, shocking)
Blitz normal attack low damage not safe(cannot move while shooting)
Blitz charge attack(with max CTR) high damage(Single target close, multi longrange) dangerous(Cannot move while shooting, slow move charge)
Against Vanaduke:
AP low damage, safe
Polaris low damage, safe
Blitz charge attack(with max ctr) high damage, very dangerous(Cannot move while shooting, slow move charge)
@Xyonon and timanth offtopic
What's your IGN I want to play with other pro gunslingers :PPPP!!!
@Xyonon I don't know where your getting your damage numbers from? my (soon to be polaris) is currently a gigawatt pulsar and does about 200 damage per expanded shot :S
*EDIT* this was against the zombies :P sorry :)
@baodn Are you sure about the piercing effect? I seem to remember my AP bullets being stopped by it... (haven't used AP down there in a long time though)
There are several other threads on this topic already. Please read the forums before you post.
To answer your question, they are both alright, but the Polaris will do far more damage than the Argent Peacemaker against pretty much anything in FSC except Trojans, Silkwings, and Vanaduke.