I was doing some SK wiki research for my end game shield when I noticed something. I wanted to have something to protect myself from the slag walkers/guards, so something with elemental and shadow damage, but there is none!!! The 4 attack "styles" Normal, Piercing, Shadow and Elemental: there is a combination for all except a shadow/elemental defense shield. (crest of almire (normal/shadow), dragon scale(elemental/pierce) and grey owlite shield (normal/elemental) all with fire resist)
Now before you jump the gun and say that there is no shadow/elemental equipment I would like to quickly point you towards the divine set for the armor and helm side.
Please excuse me when I say that I am not requesting it, it just happened to be something I noticed what I mentioned above already works quite well.
There's a lack of Shadow-protective shields in general. There are only two kinds: the Skelly Shield line and the Blackened Crest --> Crest of Almire line. And to get the Crest of Almire, you'll need to either buy it from an unbind-seller, or survive FSC several times without it...
Still, an Elemental/Shadow shield would lack Normal, and anyone who's dealt with a Trojan (Or Vanaduke himself) can tell you this is dangerous-- and nearly useless in Tiers 1 and 2. One of the most useful shields in FSC (other than the Crest of Almire itself) is... the Volcanic Plate Shield, which completely lacks Elemental and Shadow. The huge shield health, Normal defenses and resistances to fire and stuns makes it stand up to everything but the spike traps.
And remember that your armor's defenses don't reduce damage done to your shield. You may have Normal defense on your armor, but this does not help your shield deflect more Normal hits.