White personal color removed? I wonder why that is. Does that affect anyone that already had it?
Patch Notes - August 24, 2011
Probably to avoid a hierarchic nonsense. White is commonly seen as a LEET color. Other than that, it is too bad. Maybe it's because the Alpha Squad have this color?
At least we don't have black, for the one and sole reason that it would make us look like glitched/empty characters.
Tried to make a knight with white as its color before it got removed. It wouldn't let me. XS
"At least we don't have black, for the one and sole reason that it would make us look like glitched/empty characters."
And the second and additional reason that all the pubescent players who would consider themselves too "edgy" to pick a real colour would make the game an aesthetic nightmare.
black is cool! anything against that goes against men in black and matrix.
white wasn't suppose to exist, and wasn't previously in the game, When making a knight as white color it gets a server error, because it isn't made to exist. This is nothing more then a hiccup that they are now correcting. Although. white would be a awesome color.. I looked at the knight creator just to see white.
No more white knights....see we are evil
Your argument is flawed as there are also no black knights.
Meaning we are all neutral. :D
In every game I've played with Character Color Customization, there are always "those" type of people, who just Color their Characters pure black to look "Cool." Sure, I'll admit, Black's pretty good, but I don't put ALL my Color Slots Black...
IIRC, it has to do with pure black and white having data value of all 1s or all 0s. This conflicts with another rule (I think the no equipment rule), and treats the condition as an error.
Found an old elevator picture.
Are you implying everyone will choose black (and by extension white)? Heh, make them premium colors (50 CE or 10k cr at least) then. Make them be really serious about it.
I'm actually guilty of what you are talking about. My main is purple character color+black armor. :D
I'm actually sick of it and my alt sports bright yellow. I want a recolor feature, OOO!
Why is the community so racist!?
A black personal color would mean black eyes on a black background...
You would have no face.
...On the one hand, you can ogle the girls all you want and they can't prove you were. On the other, you will be completely unable to prove you weren't, either.
>Your argument is flawed as there are also no black knights.
>Meaning we are all neutral. :D
It makes us all colorful. I guess we're just faaaabuuuloooous~
So is gold... don't forget the gold.
In other news, imagine all the knights being white, that wouldn't be very fun would it xD (since everyone would try to look more "elite")
I didn't saw white knights and in the creation screen didn't saw white color so dunno what's this about
You could move the slider all the way to right and end up with a white primary color.
Can someone show me a picture or video of a white knight than ?
Whoa whoa whoa. Was White always a color option? I don't remember it when I made my character forever ago- pretty certain I would have chosen that as my color if I had seen it as an option.