i can't decide whether i should get antigua or pulsar first as i plan on ending up with both and would like some help deciding.
pulsar or antigua.....
thanks for the input on this and by the way you spelld "tough" wrong :P, bump...
why'd you update your reply? D: ( it was funnier when you spelled it wrong )
What you gonna take if i may ask? :)
First of all, you should probably never choose Sentenza over Argent Peacemaker (aka AP) when you want to upgrade Antigua unless PvP (with weapons you have, not bomberman) comes out. Second of all, even if you upgrade Antigua to AP, it is only going to be useful in FSC and other Undead and Fiend (Devilites excluded) Stratums because it deals split Piercing/Elemental, and since monsters have more resistance then weakness, Silversix is only effective at Undeads and Fiends (and Devilites dodge guns by the way).
Pulsar is good for FSC if you upgrade it to Polaris since Polaris deals Elemental damage while Supernova deals Normal damage. And Polaris is just excellent, I have Gigawatt Pulsar (the 4* of Polaris) right now and I love it, just note that the Pulsar guns deals knockback on the expanded bullets which is going to annoy your teammate because their attacks on the monsters will miss. Since Polaris does knockback, it is extremely useful for keeping enemies away at one of the FSC places where guns gets very handy (hopefully everybody knows which place I am talking about, the platform between two sets of spikes and where Zombies appear behind the spike).
For Vanaduke himself, you would want to use a Piercing gun which means AP, Blitz/Plague Needle, Callahan on him as Piercing damage is effective on Vanaduke. So Polaris for the levels before Vanaduke, but AP for Vanaduke. AP is good for the levels before Vanaduke too, but not as good as Polaris.
I definitely won't regret bringing Polaris into FSC instead of AP. And also, someone in your FSC team will definitely carry Silversix or AP so it is really no need to bring another one.
in the end of it all i chose pulsar, i decided polaris would be a good gun to have
Good choice. Antigua has stlye ... but that's all. For me I really prefer Sentenza over AP, because there are much much better Ele Guns, but just better shadow guns :P Sometimes I use this weapon just for fun, and for PvP ^^
Well both of the guns are good and their 5* versions are also good if you want to face Vanaduke.
The thing now is that the Antigua is a 3* and the Pulsar is 2* so you need more CE and cr and mats for crafting.
Also the Pulsar series have a great splash damage and also good knockback
Now it all depends on what are you searching for... for me the pulsar series was better even though i had to craft more to end up with the 5* than for the Antigua