Well, I've been on SK for a little bit now, and wanted to check a few things with the forums.
My current eq:
Dusker Cap
Wolver Coat
Bristling Buckler
Striker, Snarble Barb, Freezing Vaporizer. I usually use the two swords, but will swap to the bomb when I need to.
Future thoughts:
also wep choice - suggestions for a Shadow wep? I heard the Gran Faust is probably the best choice, but is there anything else worth mentioning?
same with Elemental. Not too sure about what to do with that, I was thinking about 5*ing the Freezing Vaporizer.
I'm pretty sure there are much better ways of doing this? I'm working for a set that'll sit comfortably in t2 and t3 - any help will be greatly appreciated!
There are only two shadow melee weapon: Gran Faust and Archeron
It's controversial which one is better. It's just a matter of preference in my opinion.
Vog Cub Set is commonly argued as the better choice because the likely encounter with elemental damage. Additionally, Vog Cub Set is the better choice for Firestorm Citadel (FSC) because of its elemental defense and fire resistance.
Vaporizers (Freeze, Stun, Fire, Shock, Poison, etc.) are not meant for doing damage. Their purpose is to inflict status effects on enemies. Looking at your arsenal, you may need a gun, especially if you want to fight Lord Vanaduke. I recommend a Polaris. This gun will meet your needs for elemental damage, and it is one the best elemental-based guns. Divine Avenger is another popular elemental-based weapon. It is a melee weapon, and it is very common weapon. Its charge attack is one of the best.
If you need more range on your freezing vaporizer, then sure if you think it is worth the upgrade cost. For the freeze status effect, its purpose is to control mobs and slow down the pace of the battle. It is especially useful in parties of greater number.