Any plans for a disc release of the soundtrack by any chance?
*posting here since there doesn't seem to be an 'official' thread*
The OST can be bought from Amazon as well, for those of you that do not have/want iTunes:
But when I'm trying to buy it in Amazon I got:
We could not process your order. The sale of MP3 Downloads is currently available only to US customers located in the United States.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
Something similar happened when I used iTune Store.
Please make it available for the rest of the world.
I love how there is a soundtrack for SK now, but who would pay $31 for songs that you can hear while playing the game? I mean, it's like the game without the game, and it costs $$$, but SK is FTP lol
> I love how there is a soundtrack for SK now, but who would pay $31 for songs that you can hear while playing the game? I mean, it's like the game without the game, and it costs $$$, but SK is FTP lol
The songs on the official soundtrack have been extended, remixed, and remastered so that they're optimized for standalone listening, as opposed to background music while you whack things. Up to you whether that's worth paying for. All I know is, I plunked down my $9.99 (it's not $31) and have had the soundtrack on repeat since Friday. :)
^^ You didn't get it for free? whaaaa?
Google needs to talk to you guys seriously XD
The soundtrack is great, and when you try to focus on it, you can hear how complex the notes are (or whatever.)
Though this is something entirely separate, I think it might be a good idea if there's any way to prove it, to like grant a little CE for the music purchases. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure its great music for the fans of the music (heck I like most of the music) and I think many people are fine with it as it, but I think a small CE amount like 500 or so might make it more attractive, that way its not taking away from the value of the album itself (since $10 is 3500 CE) but its a small bonus. And only if you buy the whole album, not a part of it (if that's an option).
But um I'm not a paying player anyway so I probably shouldn't say that haha...
Bought my copy. : ) Really happy to see this go live on iTunes.
The soundtrack is cool and all but I really can't imagine listening to it outside of SK... Save your $10- blink 182's new album is coming out in like a month! THAT'S gunna be the album of the year.
(it's not $31)
Just to be a smartarse, but on Amazon it is around $31 if you buy each track separately instead of the album as a whole, which would be $9. =P
(but to be honest, who the heck would buy it that way? >>)
but who would pay $31 for songs that you can hear while playing the game?
For example to listen to it in the car while driving to work and back. You're not the sharpest knife in a drawer heh?
but to be honest, who the heck would buy it that way?
If only it were available outside of USA.
ABSOLUTELY ECSTATIC when i saw the post 30 minutes ago on my news feed.