I am trying to level up my drake scale helm to eventually go for wyvern and then dragon (these are all for costume btw). I was just wondering what would be some areas to look out for when doing that?
my other equips are: mega magnus, ash tail coat, wise owlite shield, and blizzbrand.
If I'm leveling up some low-level armor for costume purposes then I'll head to the bottom of T1 or T2 (lots of heat) and choose strata I know are rather easy such as beast, slime, undead or poison. In the bottom half of T1, things do so little damage that you can level practically anything and be fine. Plus there are usually a lot of players you can leach heat off of (just remind them not to self-rez).
Drake doesn't have normal defense so that can be annoying outside of T3 since everywhere else everything does a lot of normal damage. But I don't think that will be a big deterrent for any particular area in T1/2.