Pretty epic conversation that was fun to have, lol! Look at the photos from top to bottom and read the words between the messaging. Lol have fun!
If you don't want to open up those screenshots, here is the conversation, in omegle form!
You: Want to buy the gigawatt Pulsar recipe too?
Stranger: gahh I just got it!
You: UGH!!
You: I would've sold it for Basil price too!
Stranger: Oh noesss
Stranger: Why didn't you message me 3 minutes ago!
You: Mmmmhhmmm! D:
You: I wasn't paying attention 3 minutes ago!
Stranger: you, you... YOU!
You: HOw much did you get yours for?
Stranger: 11 something
Stranger: After debating for a long time too!
Stranger: You only make me more depressed.
You: I'm sorry Bob! Will you ever forgive me?! D:
Stranger: I will Samantha. I can never stay mad at you.
You: I can't ever be mad at you either, Bobby poo!
Stranger: Well, I didn't think I did anything to be deserved getting mad at, Sammy witch.
Stranger: I made a pun!
You: A pun!>
You: Lol I screenshotted that whole conversation I might put in in the forums just for people to laugh at! LOL!
Stranger: :O
Stranger: You used me for entertainment!?
You: Noo...
Stranger: My heart is broken < / 3
You: Maybe
You: Okay yes!! I'm guilty! I'm sorry Bob!!
Stranger: It's okay Sammy.
You: My name is Sammy now?
Stranger: What was it before?
You: Get that mixed up with your other friends??! I can't believe you!! You are just using me!!
Stranger: I remember...
Stranger: I think it is you who have forgotten