Hey, So i was on a lookout today and i found a few things...
1: http://i55.tinypic.com/e5jiog.jpg
Simple enough.
Red indicates puppy statues which look like Monomi. Why Arent they named?
Yellow Indicates Common Symbol. As you see its on them rope type things and on the arsenal button. This symbol is also the recent gate for Roarmulus AND looks like the Knight (Horse) in Chess.
2: http://i55.tinypic.com/29copk3.png
Green indicates 2 MORE Puppy Statues, WHAT ARE THESE?! Giants i guess.
Light Blue indicates visor wearing Snipe, is he cool or what?!
Pink indicates nameless travellers, not useful but still
NOTE: When uploading No.2 The captcha's second word was Snipe ^.^
3: http://i52.tinypic.com/j90dcm.png
Not much but still something. It seems as if there is a path just wide enough for a player to get through yet blocked off. I am suspicious for this shows there may be something there: http://i51.tinypic.com/33ber7s.png
As you can see in that there is a tent cover and again the spaced out walkway.
4 (Bazaar): http://i55.tinypic.com/14xpeec.png
Simple Enough, its a FOREST! There's a bit more to the right too! I wonder whats in there?!
5 (Bazaar): http://i56.tinypic.com/vxb3r.png
Sorry but its the best angle i can get. What is circled in orange is a little unreachable path leading to a ditch sort of area, what are those little snipes up to? Maybe their playground?
6 (Bazaar): http://i55.tinypic.com/12223cp.png
Seems normal... Woah wait a Pool? Why? From the Town Square Fountain? I dont know, but i DO know that every vendor in the bazaar, look at thier faces, its made out of what they sell. Example the sword dealers has a sword pointing down for nose, eyes at the side of its handle.
7 (Arcade): http://i56.tinypic.com/n5k0ty.png
Again not a biggy but surely enough weird. Blue Leaves?! No its not a darkness colour change, its real and weird.
8 (Arcade): http://i56.tinypic.com/2vj3p0g.png
I'm proud of finding this, What? "What's the big deal" You say? Yep! Its the stool. I dont know whats on in but tilt your screen back and a faint and very light AND faded symbol will appear on the stool, what is it?
9 (Arcade): http://i53.tinypic.com/2ryjytg.png
Where am I? The map should tell you, I am at a entrance area, just like the ones to the Town Square and Bazaar, only thing is, this one is to the right of the Arcade and closed off. New area maybe?
10 (Arcade): http://i55.tinypic.com/96aphu.png
Marking the end of my findings is this, near the location of number 9, this is a place where something could start, and most likely is to! Krogmo started and took up the Vendor seller Sullivan and his stand, The info person took another and the crystal information person took the third, something is LIKELY to happen here, maybe the Lockdown rewards (Just a thought)
Thanks for reading and add me in game!
~ Ash-Ice
Some Secrets & Findings
Sat, 08/27/2011 - 18:26
Sat, 08/27/2011 - 19:06
On #9,
That used to be the
On #9,
That used to be the under construction entrance to what was called "East Haven". It had another pending entrance in the lower right of the Town Square, up the stairs to the alchemy machine. When the game left Preview the pending entrances were walled off.
Sat, 08/27/2011 - 22:47
i noticed something a while
i noticed something a while ago. well, actually a person sort of showed me. in the town square, if u go up the right stairs leading to the arcade, on the right side theres a small slit hidden bai a tent and leaves that a knight can slip into. dont havve a picture of it though.
Sun, 08/28/2011 - 13:18
Thanks. Surely youve found your own tips and secrets, why dont you share them? Much appreciated
I noticed some of this stuff before, but just 10, 9, 6. Th other stuff I either didn't notice or never thought about.