I'm really sorry if this is in an obvious place but I checked a few places on the Wiki and didn't find it.
What stat on a shield determines its knockback from shield shove?
I'm really sorry if this is in an obvious place but I checked a few places on the Wiki and didn't find it.
What stat on a shield determines its knockback from shield shove?
As far as I'm aware, nothing about the shield changes anything, its just based on enemy size or weight or something like that.
I asked this question in the Arsenal not long ago. Here you go:
That is helpful, thanks.
But I was kind of hoping for more specifics, and that thread even suggests bump range varies among shields.
I've personally never noticed a difference in shove distance, but then I've only used two shields seriously.
Notably though, the shove distance didn't change as I upgraded either, so I'd imagine, if there is a difference with some shields, it's not a visible stat. In other words, the only way to gauge shield knockback would be to test it on a per-shield basis.