Is there any advantage to it besides the fact that you collect all the monsters loot?
Do you get more crystal shards or coins, etc.?
Delving Alone

Every death costs energy...
Every material is yours..
Any item drop is yours...
You get less minerals...

I would rather go solo but it doesnt have any real advantages apart collecting all the materials.
The material advantage can be significant, especially in stratum 4 or deeper. Certain 4* and 5* drops are in high demand and are relatively uncommon (Unstable Core, Warp Dust, Heavy Gear, Meteor Mote, Spark of Life), and if you need it badly but someone else gets it it can be a bummer. Also when you're solo you know a monster won't suddenly be flung at you by a party member's hit. But yeah you gain minerals much slower, so the Miner achievements are a pain.

I find it wonderful to solo, actually. You can wait for the gate you WANT, instead of following the herd. You will probably find yourself dying less, as you're not getting monsters bumped or trained into you, and you're not having to go try and heal some dude. I also think the mob HP are lowered.

and you're not having to go try and heal some dude.
Pretty sure the reward for that is yoinking their heat.
I also think the mob HP are lowered.
Nope. They're just scaled when in a party.

Monsters have much less HP compared to when you're in a group. That means a lot - e.g. when a certain monster needs to die asap, you can do it much faster.
You also control the flow of the battle - no more getting surrounded by enemies because another player led them into your face.
T2 danger rooms and arenas are a whole lot easier when I do it alone.
I go solo a lot, unless my guild mates are on, which is normally in the evenings, and I play throughout the day. It really sucks when you open a 3CE 'treasure room' and find a gun in a box...but it gives the item to another person in your party. I understand everything is to be shared, but it's disheartening to pay, see an item for your efforts, and have the game give it to Mr./Mrs whomever instead of the payee. That or being in a party when it 's done, a guy opens it, and the vultures swoop in and take the higher vita pod or whatnot from the box that someone else paid for. That's a whole other topic though :)
Now that you mention that energy gate issue with vultures, i agree, it totally sucks. IMO, stuff that isn't heat/crowns/tokens should be locked to the person who pays for a energy gate, this shouldn't of course apply to danger rooms. Danger rooms instead of 8 red treasure boxes and health boxes should display a scoreboard and reward contributors accordingly. I would cry man tears if my party was wiped, only me survived and killed all the stuff, we get to the boxes and there is a Divine Avenger in one box and some random leech gets it. The way i see that it would work is a reward board like this. I'm not saying to reward steamrolling i.e. it shouldn't scale with how fast the room is cleaned out, just make the rewards (materials/equips) equal to contributions. The danger rooms could also get their own tokens, not saying that the tokens should have their own functional equips, costumes unique to the tokens would be enough. Same goes for arenas, it would work after each subarena and make materials/equips.
If i'm ever with a party and i see a danger room i go solo, i don't bother asking anymore if they want to join me. If i go with a party to a arena floor, i go solo too. Its also much easier when soloing arenas and danger rooms - monsters have small amount of health compared to a fullsized party, all consumables/pickups/equips/materials go to me and only me, when kiting around the danger rooms noone will run in the opposite direction than i do, a blastcube with 0 on the timer won't come from below, i won't be overhelmed by wave spawns. The only real drawback for my soloing is that i'll have to pay for my revives but thats a small price to pay for so much gain.
A very useful side effect of monsters having less health overall, is that they're easier to "flinch", i.e knock them or interrupt their attack and movement momentarily with your weapon. When I go solo, I can pin down Gremlins with the Callahan just like Wolvers.
In some cases, it's profitable to solo even Tier 2, if the monsters drop good mid-quality mats like swordstones, dynamos, silver coils, etc. You can auction them all and make 1-2 k crowns on the side.
And yes, a lot of situations are just much easier if you have all the monsters on your tail. No more getting hit by stray Lumber swings or Retrode beams...
I only go solo on t3 Basil runs, like this I can shamelessly pew pew all my way to Basil with my Valiance.
Slow and tedious, but dangerproof.
And you get all the materials.
Roarmulus levels are way easier solo, than with mosts random partys.
I like that idea about dividing the loot. The new Torchlight 2 that is due sometime ha something similar, at least according to what I have read about it. What I see on the ground is MINE, unable to be picked up by anyone else, which is nice. It's funny to see the 'racers' race for the crowns/heat/mats in this game thinking they re not shared. It's really annoying when we're fighting in a room, and player x takes off to the other side and starts popping open treasure boxes...c'mon man, let's kill the monsters first, then we can enjoy the spoils. I do, however, understand if the offending party is low on health and is looking for a health capsule, I've done that a few times myself.