how do you do the thing where you hold a sword over your head and its like a bomb?
how do you do the thing where you hold a sword over your head and its like a bomb?

you know when you use a bomb and the bomb charges on top of your head? Basically there is this trick where instead a SWORD charges on top of your head.
... I have no idea what you're talking about.
You lag and hope for the best while switching and charging a bomb and sword.

did you like just start this game or something
cause you dont start with a bomb, you have to buy one.
I have seen that happen with a leviathan blade
Uh, no. I'm a 5* player with 2 5* bombs and 2 5* swords, and I've just never heard of this trick.

It's a glitch; the player is charging their sword, but it uses the bomb charge animation instead, giving the appearance of a floating sword above their head.

You have to shout 'BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL" as loud as you can as you start charging your sword.
I've seen a person do this with a Combuster once I think

un-equip all weapons,
Equip bomb weapon 1
Charge bomb
Plant bomb
Select weapon you wish to display
Change and replace weapon 1
Charge weapon
heres the simplified version... its way harder than i said it though, your timing must be good. a nice place to start will be bombs and guns, like a polaris
Heres a pic of me and my polaris, though i didn take one with my divine avenger, [dosent look nice]

"Yo tengo el poder... HI-MAN !
another pic with shockburst
thx! i needed to know that! now imma do it with mah grintovec!
Not that hard. Try replacing the bomb with a gun (charge up a gun), now that's HARD (but the result is epic, pointing the sword at the face of yer friends)

ermmm darker, it dosent point the sword at your friends. it holds the sword in an upright position in the gun charge pose, dosent look good if you ask me
klipwc lie.
1. Equip bomb at weapon slot number 1
2. Equip sword at weapon slot number 1 and charge immideately after the equip.
3. Voala you did it

Easier for me.... to unequip all items, [reason] If the weapon you want to change is in one of your other weapon slots you cant do the glitch. or at least i never managed it ; [

Aw.... I still can't do it! Is it impossible on mac or something?

Lol @ Biggest(with deh flourish) YOU LOOK LIKE A FRICKIN UNICORN FTW!!!

It's extremely tricky, but there is a way to do it without lagging.
1: Have a sword in slot 1 and a bomb in slot 2.
2: Charge your sword until it is at max.
3: Say thunder, Thunder, THUNDER CATS. HOOOOOOOOOOOOE (make sure you say HOOOOOOOE loudly. This is important)
4: Switch to your bomb just as you release the charge and begin charging your bomb. If your timing is right and you said HOOOOOOOE loudly enough, you will be holding a big pulsating sword over your head.
Note: This is not meant to be informative in any way. Anybody that follows these instructions should not do so, and are probably extremely gullible.

Every one knows that. It's a borring glitch cause every one knows.
Just ask a friend who knows. Don't have one that knows, then that just sucks.
I used to teach how to do it to others randomly in the training hall, too bad you never was in the same one as me at the time.

Same way you shoot bullets out of your sword, weapon switch + lag.
... what?