I just stood in the centre spamming nitronomes and polarising the gun puppies when they spawn
I just stood in the centre spamming nitronomes and polarising the gun puppies when they spawn
Didnt notice then, i always used my AoA. never thought nitronome spamming could have such a nice effect
now times it by four ;) you haven't lived till you've done a 4person nitro jelly danger room (covers the whole area....little escape)
i guess you could say...thew went out with a boom.
You'd have trouble dodging all the turret fire in tier 2... would be hard to stay in the middle like that, not picking up anything.
I want a room with 4 vortexes of either type. Anyone?
I dont have a vortex ; p, and no, i did reckon its impossible to re-create this in tier 3 and nearly impossible in tier 2, normally i hardly even get hit, in that round i had to use 2 potions to avoid dying from turret fire [ the poison hurt!!]
I've gone double vortexing a few times. If you get it just right you can trap the monsters oscillating between the two bombs. Mind Alpha Wolvers doing the tri-bite through the fling part. It tends to shoot them off at top speed.
Yeah i seen that, got killed by an alpha ashtail on tier 3 when a fellow mad bomber sent it flying, 2bites plus fire... instant death without vita or status pills
I'll definitely participate in a four man Vortex fun time!
IGN: Velcro
That's two! Two more Vortex' out there who want to rip the universe apart?
I dont have a vortex *sad face* but yeah is it good? i heard the 4* and 3* versions arent a viable weapon to use while the 5* one is a great bomb, should i get it? : P
I absolutely love it. Graviton Vortex was my first 5* bomb and I've always had it or Electron Vortex in my load-out going into the Clockworks.
I fully endorse this universal tearing endeavor.
Grav Vortex was my first and ONLY bomb, and peoples' jaws drop when they see how incredibly devastating it is when combined with my Glacius. Then they catch on that they can use their own weapons like Ash bombs and vials and everyone squees with joy. Especially on jelly levels.
Never leave home without it
Alright so that's Bigfootm, Halifax, and myself. shrinkshootr would you like to leave your IGN so I can contact you about this endeavor?
sure, it's shrinkshooter. damn these forums and their blasted character limit...
sign me up when i get a bomb.. shouldnt be long now : D. maybe... a week or so? i just exhausted all my energy and crowns from crafting a sudruska from trokia in 2 days [ it sucks, dont get it]
yes. yes we were, and still are.