Just wanted to put that out there. You know, for a little contrast. Sure I wish it was lower, but I can deal with it.
I'm okay with the current CE prices

And current CE prices arnt THAT bad
You just have to play moar...Moar you play...moar fun killing Vanaduke
Playing less is even better
Will you still be "ok" with them when they're 7k+?

Still manageable.Just do enough Vanaduke and get a blackened crest.Then sell it for as much as you can get.Rinse and repeat and you'll be ok with 7,000 CR for 100 CE.The secret of wealth. o.o
I'm not some genius who can predict the future and somehow know it'll stop at dead on 7k, my point is they're on an upward trend and continually rising..once it's 7k it'll soon be 7.5k and eventually whatever run you can muster up as a "solution" breaks down and is no longer profitable
the problem isn't the price, its how rapidly its rising

my point is they're on an upward trend and continually rising..once it's 7k it'll soon be 7.5k and eventually whatever run you can muster up as a "solution" breaks down and is no longer profitable
That's. Not. How. It. Works.

You do know CE can be as cheap as 5,000 CR right?<.<
Its not gonna rise forever
If it does everyone is gonna quit.But right now,its not that bad.And lockdown is gonna be a crown sink so less people want CE and they want CR instead.
@ Replicant; what have we got to go off exactly? It's rising right now, and the smart money says it'll be higher tomorrow than it is today. I never once said it'll rise forever but that IS how its working RIGHT NOW. The market doesn't react quickly enough (mats etc) for CE to always be a worthwhile investment into diving, at the rate its rising at the moment it will become unprofitable to dive sooner rather than later.
Sure it'll go back down again at some point but thats no answer to whats happening now is it
Give it a week and i guarantee you the only way you'll turn a profit from the clockworks is by dumb luck (t3 mats) or arena looping
Anyway my point is, it doesn't matter if you're "ok" with it right now as eventually it'll hit a point where you're not ok with it anymore, then what? You play LESS, not MORE. Playing more isn't going to fix anything

what have we got to go off exactly?
Common sense, a basic grasp of economics, and experience.
Give it a week and i guarantee you the only way you'll turn a profit from the clockworks is by dumb luck (t3 mats) or arena looping
Needs more hyperbole.
Nothing wrong with a bit of hyperbole, you know well the point i'm trying to make despite any exaggerations on my part. Instead of dismissing anything i say because you don't like the way i express myself, how about you share your own views on the matter?
Do you disagree that prices will likely get higher before they get lower?
Do you disagree that playing less (ME) is a better fix than playing more (CE)?
Maybe i'm wrong, but it'd be nice if you wern't just being a dick for the sake of it and shared your wisdom with us all. As it stands i do strongly believe CE prices will reach a point where diving is losing you money. Then maybe they'll go down, but i'd love for you to show me how i'm wrong...being that it'd make my SK life a lot easier
i am sure glad moogzor is not a weatherman. i can imagine if he were a weatherman in the summer; he'd report today's hot, tomorrow's hotter. we got to do something, given current trends, it's going to get hotter everyday until we all burn to a crisp!
or one in the pacific NW. today's forecast is rain, tomorrow's forecast is rain. day after tomorrow is a thunderstorm. OMG, everybody evacuate the state, it's going to rain forever! at this rate, we're going to be flooded out of our houses by the end of the year!
if you want CE Prices to fall; increase the supply of CE or lower the demand for CE. Only 2 Options.
how do you increase total supply of CE? You buy some with real $.
can't do that so you want to lower the demand for CE? stop using it; just use your ME.
don't want to do either? then you are SOoL.

Do you disagree that prices will likely get higher before they get lower?
Prices will reach an equilibrium, as they always do.
Do you disagree that playing less (ME) is a better fix than playing more (CE)?
I don't understand this question.
As it stands i do strongly believe CE prices will reach a point where diving is losing you money.
If you honestly believe that then we have nothing to discuss. Good day, sir.
Bananafish28 i'm sure you love being all pedantic cus it makes you feel big, but try reading through my posts again. Not once did i claim that energy will rise forever, in fact you both seem to think i've somehow made this ridiculous claim despite the fact multiple times ive mentioned that this is a problem IN THE NOW, and a current trend. Again though, i encourage you to have another read..the whole point i'm trying to make here is that playing LESS is the solution to unfavourable CE prices, not MORE ie using only ME, just like you said.
Replicant (ignoring the fact that thats not even answering the question) yes eventually prices will stabilise..but markets don't react instantly, as i'm sure you know..if it keeps rising it will be at a point where you can't make CR off CE via diving. I honestly don't see how you believe it isn't possible for this to happen, even if only momentary before demand drops (due to less diving).
anyway i'm just about done with this, people seem overly hostile today. I don't see this as some internet argument i'm out to win or anything and you guys would rather squabble over my use of emphasis and be difficult just for the sake of it, ah well. Internets eh

you guys would rather squabble over my use of emphasis
You don't use hyperbole to try and prove a point or support an argument.
Unless you're a politician.
"Its not gonna rise forever
If it does everyone is gonna quit."
I can use it however i please, i guess it was stupid of me to trust that you'd understand the point being made regardless of any literary devices. Thing is we both know you did understand, you'd just rather dismiss it anyway and be a dick about it without contributing anything yourself, fun stuff.

I didn't look back because I thought this topic wouldn't draw controversy lol. But in reply to way earlier, eh, we were approaching 7k+ before steam, pretty sure we reached that actually, I just wasn't on at the times it made it there. I do see rising prices as a problem but that's not what this topic was about, it was, I'm fine with the current CE prices, and I am. Actually I'm probably fine until 10k, but I definitely can live with it as it is now. Clever use of friends/guild and stage selections makes the current price not a problem.
Lessee in the last two weeks I've made
twisted snarble barb (200) + dark thorn blade (400)
whatever the 3* bomb is called (200) + spike shower (400)
Sun Shards (200) + Radiant Sun Shards (400)
Fused demo suit (200)
Iceburst brandish (200).
hmm that's like 2200 energy lol...I didn't realize I did that much...ah well anyway I guess I'm starting to see why I can't keep 1000 CE... but anyway all of that is game funded. Whether its the game itself, or material sales. I won't lie, I played a lot during that :P but that means its still fine as long as you play. Soon as I get two more monster bones, that brandish is going to turn into a blizzbrand and I'll be down to 198 CE again...
Once again, there are things I suppose could be done to improve things, but once again, as it is right now, I'm fine with it.
I predict that the price of CE will continue upward for an unknown amount of time, then will decrease for an unknown amount of time.
Then it will increase again for an unknown amount of time.

I predict that until this company gets its butt off the ground and re-stock thier cards CE prices wont really drop
There are quite alot of people buying CE using ultimate gamer cards, having this happening is pissing me off as it has been on for a whole month now. have the money to buy like 3 battle packs now but out of stock cards..... not everyone has a credit card. [polytecnic student and working, parents refuse to use their credit cards to buy for me even if i pay them.....]
I'm ok with this topic